Rotary Eye Clinic 

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Despite the cold weather, the eye clinic provided services to 26 clients in need of vision care. Clients were welcomed by the  smiles of volunteers, creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere from the moment they arrived. While waiting for their turn, they were able to grab a hot cup of coffee and snacks.  The eye exams were conducted by Dr. David, Dr. Warren, and Dr. Ramirez, who generously shared their skills and expertise, ensuring that each client received quality care. The clients were incredibly grateful, sharing heartfelt words about how much this opportunity meant to them. At the end of their visit, clients were happy to receive care packages, which further added to their gratitude. The Douglas staff played a key role, going above and beyond to assist clients with warmth and compassion, making sure their needs were met. This was a well-coordinated event, thanks to the dedication of our amazing volunteers, doctors, and staff. Seeing the smiles on the clients’ faces and hearing their words of appreciation made it all the more rewarding. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event such a success!
Rotary Eye Clinic 2025-02-04 08:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself,#themagicofrotary

Club Fellowship Night 

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As Rotarians we fundraise and donate to many causes. We also connect with community partners. We had a great evening of fellowship touring The Royal Westminster Regiment and the Museum. Join us at a club meeting to learn more about us!
Club Fellowship Night 2025-01-23 08:00:00Z 0
Tickets now on sale for our 5th Annual Bevies & Bites 2024-12-29 08:00:00Z 0 #bevies&bites2025,#servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself

More helping hands!

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Meet our newest member Lila Day who was inducted and welcomed by Past District Governor Del Paterson and our President Jaimie McEvoy. 
We welcome guests to our meetings to learn about our club activities and how to become a Rotarian. 
More helping hands! 2024-12-20 08:00:00Z 0 #themagicofrotary

Christmas Fellowship 

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Members and their guests gathered for our annual Christmas fellowship event at the Vancouver Golf & Country Club. 
A lovely evening including delicious food and carolling. We brought gifts to share with seniors in our community. 
Christmas Fellowship 2024-12-08 08:00:00Z 0
Welcome December, the season for giving 2024-12-01 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary moments!

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At Thursday’s meeting Abigail, presented our Club President Jaimie McEvoy a banner from the Rotary Club of Bregenzerwald Austria. She recently returned from a one year youth exchange. Maxine thanked Jeremy for his terrific presentation about how our Rotary Foundation makes a difference.
Rotary moments! 2024-11-23 08:00:00Z 0 #rotaryfoundation,#rotaryyouthexchange,#themagicofrotary

How we help our community 

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Members stopped by Share Family & Community Services to hear about the wonderful work they do with children and to see a piece of equipment we donated. The pacer provides essential benefits to the children such as adjustability for growth, specialized features, durability, safety, customization options, and peace of mind for families.
How we help our community 2024-10-31 07:00:00Z 0 #serviceaboveself,#themagicofrotary

September sailed by....

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We had 3 interesting speakers this September. 
We caught up on Zoom with our former exchange Student Muki who returned home to Vienna, heard from Gloria, one of our newer members as she presented her "Who's Who" chat, and Mike treated us to a a presentation about his most recent sailing adventures. 
Rob thanks Gloria for her presentation. (photo by Gabor Gasztonyi)
Mike presents to a full house. 
September sailed by.... 2024-09-22 07:00:00Z 0 #themagicofrotary
Bevies & Bites 2025 2024-09-19 07:00:00Z 0 #bevies&bites2025,#newwestrotary,#rotarianshavefun,#themagicofrotary

Club Citation 2023-2024 

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Thank you to all of our members and friends of Rotary who helped our club achieve our goals! 
Past Co-Presidents Gaby Gasztonyi & Louise Perry. 

Congratulations! Your club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2023-24. This past year, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.

Gordon R. McInally
2023-24 RI President
Club Citation 2023-2024 2024-09-01 07:00:00Z 0 #clubcitation,#createhopeintheworld

Who's who? 

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We love learning about our members. 
Rick Folka presented his Who's who (member classification talk) at our meeting this week. 
He has an impressive resume in the accounting field. 
Who's who? 2024-08-24 07:00:00Z 0

Fraser III is ready to serve!

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During Covid we held an online Pet Show fundraiser called Power of Pets. The funds we raised were donated to Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS) so we were a naming sponsor for a puppy.
We are delighted to announce that 
Fabulous Fraser III has got a job!
He passed his pre-placement testing and has been matched with a client. Fraser has been supported by an incredible village whose dedication deserves equal recognition:
🐾 School of Origin: Brigadoon Service Dogs
🐶 Puppy-Raiser: Cynthia Hlynski
🎓 Advanced Sitter: Marley McGonigle
💛 Naming Sponsor: Rotary in New Westminster
Fraser III is ready to serve! 2024-08-13 07:00:00Z 0
Friendship and Fun! 2024-07-25 07:00:00Z 0 #rotarianshavefun,#themagicofrotary

A new Rotary year, a new President

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Members gathered together, to say thank you to our outgoing presidents Gabor Gasztonyi & Louise Perry and welcomed our newest President, Jaimie McEvoy. He was installed by Bob Crawford along with the board of directors for 2024-2025.
The theme is The Magic of Rotary. We look forward to a wonderful year under the leadership of Jaimie. 
A new Rotary year, a new President 2024-07-10 07:00:00Z 0 #themagicofrotary
Meet our newest member! 2024-07-10 07:00:00Z 0 #newmemberswelcome,#newwestrotary,#themagicofrotary

Goodbye Muki

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We recently said goodbye to our outstanding Youth Exchange Student, Muki.
Thank you to all the host families and councillors that supported him. This wonderful program can't happen without you!
He has arrived safely home with his family in Vienna. All smiles!
Goodbye Muki 2024-07-10 07:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange

Supporting our Community 

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We recently made a donation to Honour House Society to replace the mattresses to ensure the first responders, military personnel and their families have a comfortable night's sleep during their stay at Honour House. 
Since it opened in 2010 Honour House Societyhas provided over fourteen thousand night stays for our heroes in uniform, free of charge. 
Co-President Gabor Gasztonyi presents Curt Appleby with our cheque. 
Supporting our Community 2024-06-09 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#honourhousesociety,#serviceaboveself

 Rotary Scholarships & Bursaries 

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With the upcoming graduation season, we congratulate and celebrate the youth in our community who have worked hard and will be recognized with a scholarship or bursary.
The Rotary Clubs in New Westminster are proud to support the many outstanding students with one of our Rotary scholarships and bursaries. 

“We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.”




Rotary Scholarships & Bursaries 2024-05-26 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#youthservices
Japanese Cultural Conversations 2024-05-24 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld
It's golf season! 2024-04-24 07:00:00Z 0 #mayfairlakesgolf,#rotarypotofgoldgolf,#willitbefun

Highlighting Youth 

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Our meeting this week showcased 2 of the youth programs that our club supports. We had an inspiring presentation from Aiden, the recipient of The Grasby Family Bursary and celebrated 2 birthdays. Our exchange student Muki & our guest Sue. We were delighted to have Sue & Earl representing the Grasby family join us.
Highlighting Youth 2024-04-18 07:00:00Z 0

Annacis Water Tunnel Project 

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Rotarian Rick thanks Jeni, Regan & Serena from Metro Vancouver for their informative presentation about the Annacis Water Supply Tunnel project. Interesting speakers is just one reason to get involved with Rotary!
photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi 
Annacis Water Tunnel Project 2024-03-16 07:00:00Z 0
Thank you! 2024-02-29 08:00:00Z 0 #bevies&bites2024,#createhopeintheworld,#newwestrotary

Members' trip to Uganda 

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Several members and spouses travelled to Uganda in January to visit some of our international partners and projects including the Uganda Hearing Centre in memory of our member Dr. Irwin Stewart.
This project was executed in partnership with Makerere University Hospital & Hear His Voice Uganda. The project is pioneering an early intervention program for deaf & hard of hearing children, diagnosis & treatment of children with hearing loss, promoting advocacy for the welfare of deaf children as well as creating awareness for abilities & needs of children with hearing loss. 
It received funding from our Rotary Foundation Global Grant program. 
They returned and shared a wonderful presentation to our club members and guests. This is just one of the many ways our club and members Create Hope in the World. 
Members' trip to Uganda 2024-02-15 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#rotaryfoundation

More helping hands!


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Welcome to our newest member James! Assistant District Governor Ron was on hand to induct him. 
Thank you to Rick for introducing him to our Rotary.
More helping hands!  2024-02-08 08:00:00Z 0

Such a great community! 

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Our 4th annual Bevies & Bites is around the corner on February 24th!
We are grateful and thank all our sponsors/vendors/donors/contributors that make this a terrific evening. 
If you are interested in participating to raiser funds for Don't Go Hungry let us know.
We are seeking silent auction items. 
Such a great community! 2024-01-11 08:00:00Z 0
It's a happy new year! 2024-01-11 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#paulharrisfellow

A Canadian Christmas for Muki 

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Muki, our youth exchange student from Austria, enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with the Stewart families. 
He enjoyed the food, games and received some gifts! 
A Canadian Christmas for Muki 2023-12-30 08:00:00Z 0

Closing out 2023 

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At our final meeting for the year we held our Annual General Meetings and presented a membership plaque to Sheila Kirk. 
We also took the opportunity to thank the Garth, the owner at Boston Pizza and his team for providing us with a great space and service during our club meetings. 
Closing out 2023 2023-12-21 08:00:00Z 0
Christmas Light Bus Tour 2023-12-14 08:00:00Z 0 #christmaslights,#rotaryisfun,#transitmuseumsociety
Ringing the bells! 2023-12-11 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#ringthebells
2 new Paul Harris Fellows 2023-12-09 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#paulharrisfellow
Rotary Mingle & Jingle 2023-12-02 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#rainbowchoruschoir,#rotarymingle&jingle

We are awesome! 

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We had a great club meeting to end November which is Rotary Foundation Month. 
Our Immediate Past District Governor John Berry presented our club with several certificates including a MAJOR DONOR LEVEL 4 for total giving for the 2022/2023 Rotary Year.
Our members are very generous supporters of our Rotary Foundation making sure we continue to Create Hope in the World. 
We are awesome! 2023-11-30 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#therotaryfoundation

Our District Governor Visits! 

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Our District Governor Shirley-Pat Gale visited our club to deliver a very inspirational message. 
She also had the pleasure of inducting our newest member Rick Folka who was introduced to Rotary by Mike Crean. 
And our Past District Governor John Berry was on hand to thank Shirley-Pat 
Interested in community service and  opportunities to learn leadership skills? We are always seeking more helping hands to help us continue our good work in the local and international communities. 
We also exchanged club banners with a visiting Rotarian, Adrian joining us from the South Tyler Rotary Club, Texas. 
Our District Governor Visits! 2023-11-24 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#newmemberswelcome

Rotary Youth Exchange Program 

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It takes a village to raise a child, or in our case continue to participate in The Rotary Youth Exchange Student Program. We are so fortunate to have partners such as the Royal City and Burnaby Metrotown Clubs who share the financial and host family obligations with us. We enjoyed a wonderful presentation from Muki about his home country Austria and his family.
Photos courtesy of our Co- President Gabor Gasztonyi 
Rotary Youth Exchange Program 2023-11-16 08:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#rotaryyouthexchange
Lest we forget 2023-11-10 08:00:00Z 0
Lest we forget 2023-11-05 07:00:00Z 0 #lestweforget
Food Security 2023-11-05 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld
Happy Halloween 2023-10-31 07:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange
World Polio Day 2023-10-24 07:00:00Z 0 #cityofnewwestminster,#endpolionow,#worldpolioday
Hiking with Muki 2023-10-22 07:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange
Members are our greatest asset 2023-10-19 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#serviceaboveself,#willitbefun

A reason to join Rotary!

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One of the many reasons to join Rotary is the meetings! We have visitors from other clubs and countries stop in and share their stories and have presentations from other community groups! This week we heard from Sarah from the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce and exchange club flags with Sunil from India.
Guests are alway welcome! Check out our meeting schedule. 
A reason to join Rotary! 2023-10-13 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld
Save this Date! 2023-09-29 07:00:00Z 0 #beertasting,#bevies&bites2024,#createhopeintheworld

Falling back to Rotary 

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We are back after our reduced Summer schedule.
We enjoyed exchanging club banners with Rotarian Clayton Lam who visited from Rotary Club of Hong Kong South and had a terrific presentation from Steve Rutledge sharing the Adopt a Village in Laos project.
Learn more at 
Falling back to Rotary 2023-09-14 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld

Meet Muki! 

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We welcomed our new Exchange Student Muki, from Austria at our Summer Picnic at Queen's Park. We look forward to a terrific year hosting him. 
Thank you to our host families! We can't do it without you!
Meet Muki! 2023-08-24 07:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange

Dr. Irwin Stewart Rotary Memorial Hearing Centre

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The Rotary Club of New Westminster in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Kololo in Kampala, Uganda, are currently implementing a teaching program at the Dr Irwin Stewart Rotary Memorial Hearing Centre in Kampala, Uganda. The clinic and programs are operated and administered by our partner, Hear His Voice Uganda. Currently a Vocational Training Team consisting of a speech therapist, Rosie Gardner from Dublin Ireland, and an Audiologist Selma Karsan of Vancouver, are in Uganda training staff and clinicians and working with hearing impaired children to build resources and skills for the hearing disabled community of Uganda. The program will last three weeks and has been very well received and supported thanks to this very effective partnership.
Dr. Irwin Stewart Rotary Memorial Hearing Centre 2023-08-15 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld

Supporting our Seniors 

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Our club members work hard to raise funds and were delighted to share some of it with the vulnerable seniors in our community.
We recently provided funding to the Seniors Services Society to purchase fans for distribution to seniors in our community to help keep them cool during the hot temperatures.
We appreciate all the ways SSS supports our seniors.
Learn more about them at
Supporting our Seniors 2023-08-15 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#seniorsservicessociety,#serviceaboveself
Fellowship, food and fun! 2023-07-27 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#rotarianshavefun
See you next year! 2023-07-20 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld,#rotarianshavefun,#rotarypotofgoldgolf,#willitbefun

And will it be FUN?

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One of the most enjoyable aspects of being a member of your local Rotary Club is making new friends!
Several members gathered together for a sushi making class with Rotarian Ron Suzuki (Vancouver Sunrise Club)
And will it be FUN? 2023-07-18 07:00:00Z 0 #rotarianshavefun,#willitbefun

A new Rotary year! 

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Our first meeting for the CREATE HOPE in the WORLD theme chosen by Rotary International President Gordon McInally. 
Co-Presidents Gabor Gasztonyi and Louise Perry are looking forward to another great year for our club!
A new Rotary year! 2023-07-06 07:00:00Z 0 #createhopeintheworld

Thank you to our outgoing DG and Club President!

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At our Installation event we said a BIG Congratulations and thank you for their service to our member/District Governor John Berry, his wife Pat, Club President Laurie Stewart and her husband Jamie for their terrific leadership and support in the Rotary Year 2022/2023. 
Thank you to our outgoing DG and Club President! 2023-06-29 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary
2 more sets of Helping Hands! 2023-06-03 07:00:00Z 0 #newmemberswelcome

May is Youth Service Month 

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Congratulations to the Youth Committee of both Rotary Clubs in New Westminster who received The Adult Ally Award at The New Westminster Youth Awards last night. This award recognizes an adult mentor or service club who provides support and services to youth.
3 members of the youth committee attended the event.
Supporting youth in our community is a top priority for our clubs!
Photo courtesy of Natalia Botero. 
May is Youth Service Month 2023-05-05 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#youthservices

District 5040 Conference 

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Several members and guests gathered at our District 5040 Conference in Vancouver. The theme was Connecting Clubs with Communities. 
We we inspired by many wonderful keynote speakers and heard about some terrific projects happening in our district. 
There was some terrific entertainment throughout the weekend as well. 
Congratulations to Nancy Eidsvik who received a District Governor Award from DG John Berry and Louise Perry who was recognized as Rotarian of the Year!
Special thanks to the Rotary Rabbit (Bunny) who kept us all on time!
And finally a big thank you to our photographer Gabor Gasztonyi!
District 5040 Conference 2023-05-04 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#rotarianshavefun,#rotaryrabbit

International Project in Arua 

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Rotary Arua Prison Mattress Project - District Grant # 2341394
In an effort to ensure that prisoners in Arua have a more dignified stay, we partnered with the Arua Rotary Club to purchase 300 mattresses and covers. This will allow those who are incarcerated to no longer sleep on the floor, and provide a small modicum of dignity during their stay in the facility.
International Project in Arua  2023-05-02 07:00:00Z 0

Meet Miss New Westminster 2023

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The Rotary Clubs in New Westminster are proud supporters of the Hyack Ambassador Program.
We are delighted that Miss Rotary, Jadyn Gibson was awarded the title of Miss New Westminster 2023!
We congratulate Jadyn and the other candidates and wish them a terrific year representing their city.
Event photos by Lydia Nagai Photography.
Meet Miss New Westminster 2023 2023-04-16 07:00:00Z 0
Member Classification 2023-03-30 07:00:00Z 0 #newmemberswelcome,#rotaryopenopportunities,#weneedmoreRotarians
A visit to the RC of Ladner 2023-03-30 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#rotarianoftheyear,#serviceaboveself,#womeninrotary

Club Offsite Meeting 

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Club members had a meeting offsite at Massey Theatre to hear what is new and upcoming at this City of New Westminster Venue. 
We had a presentation and a tour from the Executive Director, Jessica Schneider and enjoyed a light lunch from Green's & Beans Deli. 
Club Offsite Meeting 2023-03-23 07:00:00Z 0
Another set of helping hands! 2023-02-23 08:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#weneedmoreRotarians
Youth Exchange Student enjoying Whistler 2023-02-19 08:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#rotaryyouthexchange,#willitbefun

Meet Jadyn Gibson, Miss Rotary 

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We are proud to sponsor Miss Jadyn Gibson. She was escorted into the recent President's Tea by Alan Wardle, a Past President of the Hyack Festival Association.
Photo credit: Paul Fuoco
Meet Jadyn Gibson, Miss Rotary 2023-02-13 08:00:00Z 0
Over $15,000 raised at Bevies & Bites! 2023-02-13 08:00:00Z 0 #bevies&bites2023,#rotarianshavefun
Tickets on Sale for Bevies & Bites 2023-01-16 08:00:00Z 0 bevies&bites
Welcoming New Members! 2023-01-07 08:00:00Z 0

Scholarship & Bursary Program 

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Our members are very proud of the extensive scholarship and bursary program we provide to students graduating from New Westminster Secondary School. 
On behalf or the clubOur President - Elect Gabor Gasztonyi accepted a certificate from MP Janet Routledge.

With thanks, we acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia to provide this program. 

Scholarship & Bursary Program 2022-12-23 08:00:00Z 0
Ring the bells.... 2022-12-17 08:00:00Z 0 #ringthebells,#serviceaboveself

Christmas Cheer at Rotary Tower

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Members of the Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs of New Westminster joined together to decorate our Rotary Seniors Tower and sing some carols. 
Christmas Cheer at Rotary Tower 2022-12-10 08:00:00Z 0
Christmas celebrations 2022-12-07 08:00:00Z 0 #willitbefun
Youth Exchange Student adventures 2022-12-01 08:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange
RC Legion Poppy Campaign 2022-11-10 08:00:00Z 0 #lestweforget2022,#serviceaboveself
Youth Exchange Student meets Fin! 2022-11-08 08:00:00Z 0 #finthewhale,#rotaryyouthexchange

Meet Rick Carswell 

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Member classifications make wonderful programs.
We recently heard from Rick Carswell.
We learned that not only does Rick have a degree in classical music and an accomplished career in banking he also ran his own business in making finely crafted furniture AND he has played in several symphonies, including the Russian Circus. Rick plays the trombone, the piano and the cello and he can read Treble, Bass, Alto, and Tenor clef music (which is not common).
Rick is a very active member of our club, volunteering regularly at Don't Go Hungry Food Support and hosting a social for our members. 
Meet Rick Carswell 2022-11-02 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#serviceaboveself

Trick or Treat 

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Interact, Rotaract and Rotary Clubs joined forces to decorate our Rotary Tower for Halloween.
Trick or Treat 2022-10-31 07:00:00Z 0

PDG David Kirk passes away 

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With sadness we share this news.
Our honorary member and Past District Governor David Kirk passed away recently.
Dave joined our club in May 1982, was President in 1990-1991 and served as District Governor in 2000-2001.

Our thoughts are with his wife Sheila and their family at this time.
We will remember Dave for his contributions as a Rotarian and to the community.
Rest in Peace Dave.
PDG David Kirk passes away 2022-10-28 07:00:00Z 0

Qayqayt First Nation 

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In the spirit of peace and reconciliation we donated these special memorial markers that were unveiled at St. Peter’s Cemetery.
The resting place of Chief Rhonda Larrabee’s
Ancestors are now recognized.
We are grateful to be included in this emotional ceremony.
Also we thank Stewart Monumental, Kearney Funeral Services and St. Peter’s Cemetery for their generous support.
Qayqayt First Nation 2022-10-21 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#qayqaytfirstnation
Partnership with Don't Go Hungry 2022-10-04 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#serviceaboveself

We're back! 

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It was terrific to have so many members and guests back after the reduced summer schedule.
Our member James Wise thanks Yuri Larsson for her presentation about the New West Hospice Society.
We recently donated some much needed funds to support the services they provide in our community.
Photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi 
We're back! 2022-09-10 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#serviceaboveself
August is Membership Month 2022-08-06 07:00:00Z 0 #Rotaryinnewwestminster,#imaginerotary

Westminster House Presentation 

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Throwback to last week's meeting. We had a presentation from the folks at Westminster House they offer addiction recovery services for youth girls, adult women and their families delivered both residentially and virtually.We are delighted to support their good work and donated funds to assist with a renovation. For more information about their impact in our community please see
Photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi
Westminster House Presentation 2022-07-28 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#serviceaboveself
POG Golf 2022 2022-07-16 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#mayfairlakesgolf,#rotarianshavefun,#rotarypotofgoldgolf

It's a new Rotary Year!

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It's a new Rotary Year!
We say thank you to our outgoing President Mike Crean for a terrific year and look forward to an exciting year with President Laurie Stewart as our new enthusiatic leader!
We can only imagine how exciting 2022-2023 is going to be!
Thank you to our Rotarians, families and friends of Rotary for the support!
Another beautiful Rotary graphic courtesty of Debbie Vance
It's a new Rotary Year! 2022-07-01 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary

Welcoming our new District 5040 DG

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We had a wonderful District 5040 Installation Dinner last night.
Thank you to our outgoing District Governor Lorne for his great leadership this past year and Congratulations to our member John Berry as he takes on the role of District Governor!
Here are a few of the terrific photos courtesy Gabor Gasztonyi
Welcoming our new District 5040 DG 2022-06-25 07:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#rotarianshavefun
Supporting those that need us! 2022-06-09 07:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself,#volunteercancerdrivers

International Convention 2022

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Our member, District Governor Elect John Berry, accompanied by his wife Pat attended the Rotary International Convention in Houston this week.
He is getting ready for the new Rotary Year!
International Convention 2022 2022-06-09 07:00:00Z 0
Road trip! 2022-05-26 07:00:00Z 0 #harrisonhotsprings,#rotarianshavefun,#theblackforestrestaurant
Rotary District 5040 Conference 2022 2022-05-23 07:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself
Spring Gardening at Rotary Tower 2022-05-07 07:00:00Z 0 #rotarytower,#servetochangelives
Another set of helping hands! 2022-04-14 07:00:00Z 0 #eachonebringone,#newmemberswelcome
We are Proud Rotarians! 2022-03-26 07:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself
Bevies & Bites- Save the Date! 2022-03-12 08:00:00Z 0 #beertasting,#bevies&bites2022
New Westminster Crime Prevention Presentation 2022-03-10 08:00:00Z 0 #newwestcrimeprevention

Happy 35th  Rotary Anniversary

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On March 1, 1987 our District Governor Elect, John Berry joined the Rotary Club of New Westminster.
John is an amazing Rotarian and community contributor.
He is Past President 1997-98, 2015-16 and 2018-19.
He and his wife Pat have made a difference in the lives of many through their generosity.
He is going to make an outstanding DGE!
The members of our club congratulate John on 35 years of Rotary Service!
Happy 35th Rotary Anniversary 2022-03-03 08:00:00Z 0 #imaginerotary,#serviceaboveself

3 New Members!

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A few great moments at our meeting this week!
PDG Del Paterson presented Jeremy Perry with another Paul Harris Recognition Pin. PHF+2
and Del also inducted 3 members to our club.
We were delighted to welcome back a former member Rick Carswell and Maxine his partner decided to join as well.
And Bob Robert Crawford who has been an honorary member for several years has returned as an active Rotarian.
DGE John Berry sponsored our new members.
If you are interested in attending a meeting to learn more about us please reach out!
3 New Members! 2022-02-26 08:00:00Z 0 #eachonebringone,#servetochangelives

Chief Rhonda Larrabee visits 

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Such a beautiful day for an outdoor meeting.
Our club members and guests gathered at St. Peter's Cemetery for a special presentation from Chief Rhonda Larrabee who shared her personal family history in New Westminster.
To learn more about Chief Larrabee and her story:
City of New Westminster Councillor welcomes Chief Larabee to our meeting and President Michael Crean thanks her for sharing her personal story. 
Chief Rhonda Larrabee visits 2022-02-24 08:00:00Z 0
Don't Go Hungry: Food Support Program 2022-01-26 08:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself

Irwin Stewart's local memorial project 

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We held a wonderful outdoor meeting on Thursday. A group of members and special guests from the Stewart family met at the Quay to view our newest play area and stroll along the boardwalk.
Tugger Replacement Project: A New Westminster waterfront amenity, the “Tugger” was a much-loved child’s play tugboat moved here after its life at Expo 86. It deteriorated and had to be removed. A replacement playful community amenity designed to be a place for all ages abilities has been constructed by the City of New Westminster at the same prominent site. Both of the New Westminster Rotary Clubs have each contributed towards the cost of this play area.
The project will honour the life of PDG Irwin Stewart and his wife, Lois, with the placement of a plaque, and with a hearing theme in part of the design.
We look forward to the official grand opening in the spring.

Irwin Stewart's local memorial project 2022-01-20 08:00:00Z 0 #irwinstewart,#serviceaboveself,#welovewalking,newwesttugger

New West Farmers Market 

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Christmas is the time for giving!
We are happy to help the New West Farmers Market replace and upgrade the equipment they need to continue offering the wonderful Thursday afternoon markets for the community to enjoy. Looking forward to their return in 2022.
(Photo Rotarian Courtney Wade presents Lily Nichol with our donation)
New West Farmers Market 2021-12-24 08:00:00Z 0 #servetochangelives
The Bells were ringing... 2021-12-14 08:00:00Z 0 #rotaryopenopportunities,#salvationarmykettles,#servetochangelives,#serviceaboveself
Club Christmas Social 2021-12-11 08:00:00Z 0 #Rotaryinnewwestminster,#secretsanta

Christmas at Rotary Tower

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The Rotary Clubs in New Westminster joined together with our Interact and Rotaract members to spread Christmas Cheer by decorating our Rotary Tower. Several residents came down to join in the Christmas Carols and have a hot chocolate.
Christmas at Rotary Tower 2021-12-06 08:00:00Z 0
District Governor Lorne Calder Visit 2021-12-02 08:00:00Z 0 #endpolionow,#rotaryfoundation
Remembrance Day 2021 2021-11-09 08:00:00Z 0 #lestweforget2021,#royalcanadianlegion,#serviceaboveself
November is Foundation Month 2021-11-01 07:00:00Z 0 #eachonebringone,#therotaryfoundation

World Polio Day Program  

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Please join us on ZOOM at Noon, October 21st for a special presentation to recognize World Polio Day from Gabor Gasztonyi.

An award-winning professional photographer, author, gallery owner and filmmaker, Gabor Gasztonyi lives in New Westminster with his wife, artist Judith Copland.

Gabor is a two-time winner of the prestigious Nikon Press Award. He is a regular lecturer at Emily College University and a Bernie Legge Cultural Award winner.

A dedicated member of Rotary, Gabor is currently the Polio Chair for District 5040 and is keenly interested in rehabilitation for Polio Victims particularly in Ethiopia. He is also interested in promoting accessibility for Rotary meeting spaces.

Contact for ZOOM link 

World Polio Day Program 2021-10-19 07:00:00Z 0 #endpolionow,#gaborgasztonyi,#worldpolioday

Our Members in Action

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Thursday was a very busy and productive day for our club.
We held a member engagement workshop and brainstormed many ideas for upcoming service projects, fellowship events and speakers for our meetings.
Members were treated to lunch and received a Rotary at Work T shirt.
Nick Jordan also attended to get us all geared up with hats, and jackets.
Then several members volunteered at our Rotary information booth, showing off our new tent, at the New West Farmers Market.
Interested in learning more about membership? Contact
We welcome guests at our meetings on ZOOM and in person.
Our Members in Action 2021-10-14 07:00:00Z 0 #newwestfarmersmarket,#newwestrotary,#weneedmoreRotarians

He's a winner! 

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At our evening meeting Nancy presented Kevin with a PHF. He was the winner of her 2021 Rotary New Year's resolution challenge.
It was a great initiative to get members engaged!
It included 10 easy things...including I will attend more meetings, I will contact members that haven't been attending and I will take at least 1 E Learning course.
He's a winner! 2021-09-30 07:00:00Z 0 #paulharrisfellow

Helping our community 

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Our club supports many groups that are making a difference to help the vulnerable in our community.
We recently received this thank you note from The Purpose Society.
Thank you so much for your generous donation to the Digital Inclusion Project initiative. It is because of donors like you that we are able to continue to try and eliminate the digital divide within New Westminster.
With this donation we aim to create a welcoming, inclusive lounge space in our Digital Inclusion Hub where people who do not have access to the internet or electronic devices can come utilize them with access to 1-on-1 support as well. Because of this donation we are able to continue to positively impact the lives of New Westminster residents that would otherwise not have access to these resources.
Thank you once again for this charitable donation to our project. We will send you updates over the course of us creating this lounging area so that you know exactly what is happening with your donation, and the impact that we have been able to create together!
With all our gratitude
Helping our community 2021-09-27 07:00:00Z 0

Elizabeth Fry Society Presentation 

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Please join us Thursday September 23rd on ZOOM at NOON for a presentation from:

Vera LeFranc was born in Prince Rupert, attended grade 1 in Terrace, grew up on Haida Gwaii and lived in the Okanagan before ultimately moving to the Lower Mainland.  With connections to northern and interior British Columbia, Vera brings a unique combination of skills and experience to her role as COO of Elizabeth Fry Society of the Lower Mainland. 

With a degree in Business and Liberal Studies from Simon Fraser University, Vera brings a solid mix of business sense and a passion for social justice and reconciliation to her work.

Vera is currently a member of the Provincial Child Care Council, with a mandate of providing support and advice to The PCCC provides advice on the policies and programs that affect the affordability, quality and accessibility of child care. Its members are appointed from throughout the province and represent key partners in delivering universal child care: Indigenous communities, the business sector, child care providers, the education system, the non-profit sector and local governments.

For over a decade, Vera worked with Vancity Community Foundation and the Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society to distribute almost over $5 million in funding to organizations working with Surrey’s most vulnerable. As well, Vera led the team that administers over $10 Million in Homelessness Partnership Funding annually to organizations working across the region to reduce homelessness.  This meant closely working with EFry and other organizations delivering programs to our most vulnerable residents.

From 2014 to 2018 Vera was an elected City Councilor with the City of Surrey where she led initiatives such as the Surrey Urban Aboriginal Leadership Committee, laying the foundation to ensure the full economic, social and cultural participation of the Indigenous people who call the City of Surrey home.  In addition, Vera was the Vice Chair of the Finance Committee, Co Chair of the Social Policy Advisory Committee including extensive work on poverty reduction, Co Chair of four very successful Social Innovation summits aimed at creating a culture and eco-system conducive to tackling significant social issues in the City of Surrey, Chair of the Surrey Aboriginal Social Innovation Strategy, grounded in the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action, Vice Chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Co-Chair of the Healthy Communities Partnership.  In addition, Vera was named by the Federation of Municipalities as one of the inaugural 2018 Top Ten Best for Canada Municipal Innovators. 

Vera spent has spent the majority of her career working within women serving organizations to advance women’s equality, provide employability and life skills training, develop programs that meet the needs of the most vulnerable, including crime prevention, housing and homelessness, and community economic development.


Vera has been married to Jen for over 14 years.  They live in Guildford and are deeply involved in the community volunteering to support young people who are exiting the foster care system. 

Elizabeth Fry Society Presentation 2021-09-22 07:00:00Z 0

New West Farmers Market Presentation

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Please join us on ZOOM at Noon, September 16th for a presentation from Lily Nichol about the New West Farmers Market.

Lily Nichol grew up in New Westminster, but lived in Kamloops, and Prince George as a teenager and young adult, finally landing back where she started in her favourite city. Lily has experience working in nonprofits, the tech industry and radio broadcasting, and has been running the New West Farmers Market since 2018. She takes great pride in building the market and being a part of the community in her hometown. She loves supporting small local businesses, eating seasonally, and getting to know more of her neighbours at every market. When not at the market, Lily is a rescue dog and cat mom, avid reader, fiestaware collector, and home baker.

Contact  for Zoom login info

New West Farmers Market Presentation 2021-09-13 07:00:00Z 0 #newwestfarmersmarket
Another successful Pot of Gold Tournament 2021-09-08 07:00:00Z 0 #mayfairlakesgolf,#rotarypotofgoldgolf

Gerda Suess receives another PHF level

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Past District Governor Del Paterson presents Rotarian Gerda Suess with another PHF level. 
Del did this while celebrating a very special occasion- his 80th birthday at our evening meeting last week.
Thank you Gerda for your generous donations to the Rotary Foundation and Happy 80th Birthday dear Del!
Gerda Suess receives another PHF level 2021-08-04 07:00:00Z 0 #gerdasuess,#phf

Each one, Bring one

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Starting the year off right!
We welcomed our newest Rotarian, James Wise to our club at our first in person meeting. He is ready to help us SERVE TO CHANGE LIVES.
Nancy Eidsvik, our membership chair performed a delightful induction.
Our President Mike Crean is leading by example -
Rotary International President Mehta's Each One, Bring One initiative asks every member to bring one person to join Rotary within the next 17 months.
Each one, Bring one 2021-07-16 07:00:00Z 0 #eachonebringone,#servetochangelives

Installation Celebration 

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Recently, our club celebrated our COVID-19 Rotary Year 2020-21 with our first in person gathering. We said good bye to President Louise and welcomed our new President for 2021-22 - Mike Crean at our 94th Installation event.
It was a wonderful event hosted by Rotarian Laurie Stewart and her husband Jamie in their beautiful yard. Dave Vallee was a terrific Emcee.
A few favourite moments - we had our Co-Presidents of our Rotaract Club join us and we met 3 of the new members we inducted this year!
Our Honourary member Bob Crawford performed the Installation of President Mike and the Officers and Directors and presented Louise with her Past President Pin. DGE Lorne Calder ZOOMED in with greetings from Prince George.
We are looking forward to the new Rotary year -Serve to Change Lives.
Installation Celebration 2021-06-28 07:00:00Z 0

Get Gardening! 

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The NWSS Interact Club teamed up with our Rotary Youth Committee to clean up the gardens and plant spring flowers for the enjoyment of the 110 Seniors who live at the Rotary Towers in New Westminster.  13 Interactors & 9 Rotarians spent their Saturday morning pulling weeds, laying new soil and bark mulch and planting perennials throughout the gardens.  The 3 sets of stairs leading to the back gardens were also cleared of moss and the gravel was replaced to ensure the safety of the tower residents.  It was a great outdoor project for both Interact & Rotary that included fellowship over lunch in the pristine gardens! 
A BIG thank you to Gordon's Landscaping and Trevor Crean for helping with the supplies and equipment!
Get Gardening! 2021-06-03 07:00:00Z 0 #rotarytower,#serviceaboveself

May 27 Presentation 7PM Bio Medical Engineering Program 

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Please plan to join us on ZOOM at 7PM, Thursday May 27th for a special presentation from Dr Robert T Ssekitoleko

Robert will be speaking about the Bio Medical Engineering Program our club has been involved with for the past  5 years. He will discuss the need for the services as well as the success of the program. He will share what some of the past students are doing now.

Dr Ssekitoleko is a lecturer, researcher and the head of the Biomedical Engineering Program at Makerere University. 

He completed his MEng Degree in Medical Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London in 2007. 

email for ZOOM link


May 27 Presentation 7PM Bio Medical Engineering Program 2021-05-22 07:00:00Z 0

Power of Pets Show 

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Thank you to all who participated in our show & to all who donated directly to PADS! We are donating $2,500 to PADS puppy raising program.
And a big round of applause for our sponsors and partners. 
G&F Financial Group - Team Dave Vallee - Nancy Eidsvik - New Westminster Firefighters Charitable Society - Bosley's - New Westminster Hyack Ambassadors - Rotaract - Interact 
Here are few of our category winners showing off their rosettes. 
Power of Pets Show 2021-05-04 07:00:00Z 0 #coolcats,#dapperdogs,#pads,#powerofpetshow

May 6 Rotary Program at Noon on Zoom

Please plan to join us on ZOOM at NOON, Thursday May 6th for a 

presentation from St. John Ambulance to hear about the 

Start Me Up BC initiative.


As a social enterprise, the revenue generated by St John Ambulance BC&Y is reinvested in community services programs and training, which in turn further supports the mission of the organization to save lives at home, work, and play.

Please contact for the Zoom link.
May 6 Rotary Program at Noon on Zoom 2021-05-04 07:00:00Z 0
April 29th Program - New Westminster Hyack Ambassadors 2021-04-26 07:00:00Z 0

April 8th program 

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Please plan to join us on ZOOM at NOON, Thursday April 8th for a presentation from Freddie Marsh. 


In 2015, Freddie Marsh became a living kidney donor to his friend, Anna Maria.  Freddie is an advocate for organ donation and volunteers his time at BC Transplant sharing his story.  Freddie donated extra funds from a fundraising campaign to BC Transplant.  This donation went towards BC Transplant first, Live Life Pass It On Scholarship that will be awarded to two grade 12 students who lead an organ donation awareness project.  

Freddie has a passion for traveling and movies.

Contact Louise Perry by email for ZOOM link

April 8th program 2021-04-04 07:00:00Z 0 #bctransplant,#freddiemarsh
District Governor Dave Hamilton passes away 2021-03-30 07:00:00Z 0

Spring has Sprung! 

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Spring has Sprung! Please join us April 1st at Noon on Zoom for a special program.

 Eric Young will present The Art and Science of Dahlias 

  • Eric has been a volunteer with Rotary International since he joined the Rotaract Club in 2007 while in university.
  • He has a BSc in Health Information Science from the University of Victoria and moved to Vancouver in 2014 to work at the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council as a Data Analyst. Eric has a strong interest in healthcare transformation and quality improvement and is passionate about using health information to story-tell and drive improvement work.
  • In recent years, Eric picked up gardening, growing dahlias in particular. 
  • This is a passion of his mother (Connie) and he took it upon himself to learn from her.
  • In his spare time he enjoys spending time outdoors either running
  • Contact Louise Perry by email for ZOOM link
Spring has Sprung! 2021-03-28 07:00:00Z 0 #dahlias,#gardening,#spring
Still time to support our POWER OF PETS 2021-03-24 07:00:00Z 0 #pads,#powerofpetshow
Catching Up with Victor 2021-03-06 08:00:00Z 0 #rotaryyouthexchange,#youthservices
Power of Pets Show 2021-03-01 08:00:00Z 0 #catsanddogs,#powerofpetshow,#prizes,#virtualpetshow

Throwback Thursday 

A fine photo of four fine gentlemen.
All Past District Governors for District 5040
Many, many years of Rotary experience and dedication is reflected in this photo.
Left to Right
David Kirk PDG 2000-2001, Don McKenzie PDG 1978-1979
Irwin Stewart PDG 1993-1994, Del Paterson PDG 2002-2003
Although we have lost Don and Irwin their legacies and service to the local and international communities lives on.
We thank all four for their years of Rotary service.
Throwback Thursday 2021-02-25 08:00:00Z 0

Meet our Hyack Ambassador Candidate Claire Haffner 

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Claire is the daughter of Michael and Melissa Haffner, and is sister to Grace. She is in grade 11 at New Westminster Secondary, where she plays both basketball and volleyball. Claire also plays volleyball outside of school, and dreams of continuing to play for a university, as it is one of her biggest passions. Having played many sports in her lifetime and after taking the career course in grade 10, she has been looking at jobs in Health Sciences (physio therapy, genetic counsellor, etc). buat has also recently been interested in business and technology, and she looks forward to exploring her options. Claire also plays piano and has volunteered at many small events, but looks forward to  doing more volunteering in her community through the Hyack Ambassador Program.

Claire is most inspired by her parents, as they are the kindest, most supportive and hardworking people she has ever met. They always push Claire and her sister to do their best and make them take risks even when they don’t want to. She is very thankful to have them in her life.

Claire's most treasured keepsake is her Pandora charm bracelet. Almost every
important event that has happened in her life is represented by a charm. It shows her family, friends, travels, May Day and so much more.

Her proudest moment of her life so far was receiving female athlete of the year for her grade last year. "I worked really hard during the volleyball and basketball season and it was nice to
be recognized for my effort."

Claire's favourite thing to do in the Royal City, besides the Hyack Festival, is going down to the Quay in the summers, getting gelato at the farmers market and walking along the boardwalk with her friends. "At the end of the boardwalk, there used to be
beach volleyball courts and I loved playing there. Or relaxing in the hammocks the city would hang. It was the perfect place to relax."​

When asked who she would trade places with, past or present, Claire says:
"I have always wanted to know what it was like to live during the renaissance so I think it would be interesting to trade places with Marie-Antoinette. When I visited France, I got to go inside
the place of Versailles and it would be interesting to see how the royal family lived back then. The society was very divided and it would be different to live in a monarchy government, especially to be the Queen. However, if I was to trade places with her, I would want to leave before the French Revolution."

If she could give advice to her 13-year-old-self, Claire would tell herself not to care what anyone else thinks or says. "It’s typical to be self-conscious at that age but the only thing that matters is how you see yourself." She would also tell her 13-year-old self to not worry so much about the future and to just live in the moment.

Claire believes she would make a good Hyack Ambassador because no one loves this city more than she does. She
loves our traditions like the Hyack Parade and May Day. "We are a small community but our spirit is big. My parents grew up here and it only seems fair that I do my part to give back by
volunteering and representing my Royal City."

Meet our Hyack Ambassador Candidate Claire Haffner 2021-02-13 08:00:00Z 0
We are inclusive and promote diversity 2021-02-12 08:00:00Z 0 #alpacas,#donkeys,#guineaupigs,#tutus

Welcome to our first Service Dogs Entries

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Meet Kirra (right), a released VIP PADS Dog, along with her sister Adelaide (left), a PADS Hearing Service dog between jobs.
These two beauties are our first Service Dog entries who are enjoying some well deserved family time! 🥰 
Kirra & her sister Adelaide are one “Dazzling Duo” who are all about providing comfort & companionship to their human family.❤️
We are enjoying our virtual pet show on Instagram at @powerofpetshow while raising funds for PADS and our youth programs.
Check out the button on the top of our home page for registration details.
Show your pet you love them and help us raise funds and awareness of the Power of Pets. 
Welcome to our first Service Dogs Entries 2021-02-06 08:00:00Z 0
Power of Pets Show- We have our first bunny! 2021-02-04 08:00:00Z 0 #bunnies,#goldenoldies,#powerofpetshow

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

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Today, over 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Half of them are children.

We refuse to accept conflict as a way of life. Rotary projects provide training that fosters understanding and provides communities with the skills to resolve conflicts.

Rotary creates environments of peace

As a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of our mission. We believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect.

By carrying out service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, our members take action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.

Our commitment to peacebuilding today answers new challenges: how we can make the greatest possible impact and how we can achieve our vision of lasting change. We are approaching the concept of peace with greater cohesion and inclusivity, broadening the scope of what we mean by peacebuilding, and finding more ways for people to get involved.

Rotary creates environments where peace can happen. 


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month 2021-02-02 08:00:00Z 0 #imagineallthepeoplelivinginpeace

Two Rotary Anniversaries! 

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We love to celebrate our Rotarians and their service to our club and the community. 
On January 31, 2008 - 13 years ago we welcomed Kevin Gordon to our club. He served as Club President in 2012/2013
and is currently our Director of our Rotary Tower.
Here is a throwback photo of Kevin with one of our former exchange students, Ana.
And 35 years ago on February 1, 1985 Karl Dech joined our club. 
Karl is currently an Honourary member and we are always delighted when he joins a meeting. 
This is picture of Del Paterson, presenting Karl (seated) with a Paul Harris Fellow. Karl's wife Barbara was there to celebrate as well. 
Two Rotary Anniversaries! 2021-01-31 08:00:00Z 0 #happyanniversaryrotarians,#serviceaboveself
Power of Pets Announcement! 2021-01-30 08:00:00Z 0 #coolcats,#goldieoldies,#santadoggie,#virtual pet show

Jan 28th Presentation - Come Sail Away with Mike!

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Since we can’t travel why not learn about each other’s past adventures!

Join us January 28th at 7pm on Zoom for a presentation from Rotarian Mike Crean - come sail away with Mike!

Since he was a youngster Mike was always drawn to the sea. His father was a marine physicist and they spent time on research boats and sailing. Over the years family and life made it difficult to spend much time sailing, but he was always drawn back to it. In recent years Mike was able to sail more and wanted to do a major ocean crossing. When a friend told Mike about the Clipper Race he decided to put himself to the test and do a leg of the Clipper Round the World Race. Novice, intermediate and experts can all participate in the experience of ocean racing through The Clipper Race, either round the world or on a single leg. The Southern Ocean is reputed to be the wildest ocean experience - he chose to do the Southern Ocean.  

For Zoom login contact    



Jan 28th Presentation - Come Sail Away with Mike! 2021-01-21 08:00:00Z 0

Precious Puppies! Milo and Miley

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Milo is  one of our “Precious Puppies”.
🐶Milo loves to give high-fives & shake his booty! ❤️🤣
And meet Miley, another entry into our Precious Puppy category!
Miley is teething and her favourite treats are ice cubes. 🐶
It's easy to participate in our Virtual Power of Pets Show - supporting Rotary Youth Programs and PADS (Pacific Assistance Dogs Society)
Click the tabs on the top of our Home Page, or check out the event section on the right had side.
Show off your beloved pets! Dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, rabbits, gerbils.... 
Precious Puppies! Milo and Miley 2021-01-16 08:00:00Z 0 #preciouspuppies,#virtual pet show

Catching up with Farhan Lalji

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It was great catching up with Farhan and the world of sports during the pandemic. 
Check out our speaker schedule on the left hand side of our home page to see what our future programs are. 
Catching up with Farhan Lalji 2021-01-15 08:00:00Z 0

Power of Pets Show 

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Here are a few entries from our Power of Pets Show raising funds for Rotary Youth Programs and Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS)
Follow Instagram @powerofpetshow to see them all and some fun facts about animals!
Entry fees $10 for 1, $12 for 2, $15 for 3. Honour your beloved pet with an entry.
Lots of categories! All pets welcome! Click the button at the top of our home page for details.
Rosettes for the winners of each category and a Best in Show prize to be awarded. 
Meet Callie and her hedgehog! 
Introducing the very Regal King Kobe!
Power of Pets Show 2021-01-10 08:00:00Z 0 #catsofinstagram,#dogsofinstagram,#pads,#powerofpetshow

50 Years Ago! 

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On January 1, 1971 Mike Kaburda joined the Rotary Club of New Westminster. 
He served as Club President 1994-95 and 2004-05 and remains as a Honourary member. 
A big thank you Mike for your 50 years of Rotary service.
Photo of Mike and his spouse Barbara from The District 5040 Foundation Dinner 2019
50 Years Ago! 2021-01-01 08:00:00Z 0

Interact Christmas Decor Sale

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Congratulations to the members of the Interact Club of New Westminster for a very successful Christmas Decoration sale!
Thank you to the members of both Rotary Clubs in New Westminster for supporting our youth by donating some of the items. 
Interact Christmas Decor Sale 2020-12-28 08:00:00Z 0 #christmasdecorations,#interact

Merry Christmas 2020

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The members of our club would like to take this opportunity to wish our community a very Safe and Happy Christmas Season!
Thank you for your support! 
Merry Christmas 2020 2020-12-23 08:00:00Z 0
Tis the Season to Ring the Bells! 2020-12-21 08:00:00Z 0 #ringthebells,#salvationarmykettles
Power of Pets Show 2020-12-12 08:00:00Z 0 #pads,#powerofpetshow,@powerofpetshow
Rotary International President, Holger Knaack 2020-12-04 08:00:00Z 0 #newmemberswelcome,#rotaryopenopportunities,#serviceaboveself

Happy Anniversary Dave!

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On December 1, 1994 The Rotary Club of New Westminster welcomed Dave Vallee as a member.
For the past 26 years he has been a generous, enthusiastic member of our club and community.
Dave has served as President twice and is always willing to step up and support our projects with his time and sponsorship.
Thank you Dave! Happy Rotary Anniversary!
(Throw back pic from last Christmas.)
Happy Anniversary Dave! 2020-12-01 08:00:00Z 0 #Dave Vallee
New Members Welcome! 2020-11-25 08:00:00Z 0 #Rotaryinnewwestminster,#newmemberswelcome
Poppy Volunteers for the Royal Canadian Legion 2020-11-01 07:00:00Z 0 #lestweforget2020,#remembranceday,#royalcanadianlegion

Oct 29 Special Presentation Gabor Gasztonyi 

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An award-winning professional photographer, author, gallery owner and filmmaker, Gabor Gasztonyi lives in New Westminster with his wife, artist Judith Copland.

Gabor is a two-time winner of the prestigious Nikon Press Award.  He is a regular lecturer at Emily College University and Bernie Legge Cultural Award winner.

Recent exhibitions include The Sudanese,  at the Surrey Art Gallery, in 2015, as well as two selected and featured exhibits at the Capture Photography Festival in Vancouver. 

His film No Way Out premiered at the Harlem Film Festival in New York, in May 2019.  It won the award for Best Cinematography.

A dedicated member of Rotary, Gabor is currently the Polio Chair for District 5040 and is keenly interested in Rehabilitation for Polio Victims particularly in Ethiopia.  He is also interested in promoting accessibility for Rotary meeting places.

ZOOM in at NOON, October 29 for this presentation, Polio, a personal journey. 

For login information email 

Oct 29 Special Presentation Gabor Gasztonyi 2020-10-23 07:00:00Z 0 Gabor Gasztonyi,end polio now

We walked TO END POLIO

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On a beautiful day - 3 members, Louise, Laurie and Grace and her doggy, set out for a walk around New Westminster dressed brightly in our END POLIO NOW attire- to share some personal stories and discuss future plans for our club. We stopped in at Old Crow coffee shop for a delicious beverage. 
We walked TO END POLIO 2020-10-21 07:00:00Z 0 end polio now,walk to end polio

Walk to END POLIO 

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#tbt to our Walk to End Polio - a few pics from last May at the New Westminster Quay.
Although we can't hold a large gathering to mark World Polio Day on October 24th please consider walking or running next week individually or with a small group.
But please maintain your physical distance!
Get your sneakers or boots on and check out the beauty of fall.
Register for Rotaract of New Westminster's Virtual Polio Walk that starts next week between Oct 19-24th. Just follow these 4 easy steps:
Register your name & email with the NW Rotaract Club at
Donate a few dollars via an e-transfer if you are able to
Take pictures of you & a few friends participating in this 5km Polio Walk on or before Oct 24th - “World Polio Day”,
Submit your favorite photo to
Walk to END POLIO 2020-10-15 07:00:00Z 0 end polio now,new westminster rotaract,virtual polio walk,walk to end polio

Meet our newest member! Grace Wardle

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We were delighted to have our District Governor, Dave Hamilton induct our newest member Grace Wardle. 
Born and raised in New Westminster, Grace has been involved in community from a very young age. While growing up she was volunteered by her family, the “Wardle’s of Westminster”, for various events with Hyack football, Royal City Youth Ballet, and Hyack Festival Association to name a few. 
What became obvious was the dedication and commitment of the people involved in these programs. This was something that resonated with Grace. 
In 2011/12 she entered into the Hyack Ambassador Program to combine her passion for community with her love of friendly competition. She was honoured to receive not only the title of Miss New Westminster but also Miss Friendship, as chosen by her peers. 
After high school Grace went on a softball scholarship to Graceland University in Iowa, USA. With a Bachelors degree in Communication Studies completed in 2017, Grace returned home and began looking for ways to give back to the community. Since 2018 she has been volunteering with the Coquitlam Classics/ Tri-City Titans Softball Associations. But what was missing was The connection to the city she grew up in. 
Remembering the time she spent with the Hyack Ambassador team she noted Miss Rotary’s declaration of “Service above Self”.
This was the opportunity that she had been looking for and she is beyond proud to once again involved in helping to make her community a better place. 
Meet our newest member! Grace Wardle 2020-10-01 07:00:00Z 0 Grace Wardle

Dr. Irwin Stewart Memorial Project 

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Special Club meeting October 15 on ZOOM. See details on the Event Tab.

Deaf and hard of hearing children in Uganda face a myriad of challenges, and very limited resources.  To address those challenges, the Rotary clubs of New Westminster in Canada, and Kololo-Kampala in Uganda are sponsoring the establishment of a Hearing Health Centre in memory of Dr. Irwin Stewart.  

The Centre will target children under 6 and their families.  Intervention at this stage has the greatest potential for lifelong impact.  The Centre will address early diagnosis, early intervention services, a pre-primary education program and parental support and outreach.  Additionally, it will provide staff and other ENT professionals with mentoring/training in modern prevention techniques and the treatment of hearing and other ear disorders.  This will help to sustain the initiative. The Centre will be partly based in a clinical setting at Makere University Hospital in Kampala.  University personnel can provide only limited support.   Professionals will be hired locally.  The Centre will be operated by a registered NGO, Hear His Voice.  Dr. Brian Westerberg of Vancouver, a colleague of Dr. Stewart, will coordinate medical and professional support from Canada.

Dr. Irwin Stewart, and his wife Lois, spearheaded many overseas humanitarian health projects and dedicated much of their retirement to improving Hearing Health Care in Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe and Uganda.  Irwin was a hugely committed Rotarian, a member of the Rotary Club of New Westminster who served Rotary in many capacities, including District Governor.  As a physician, Irwin was recognized as a pioneer in the medical profession, he was a full Clinical Professor at UBC, Head of Otolaryngology, Professor Emeritus, a member of the Fellowship of Royal Colleges of Surgeons (FRCS) who received many honours including the Order of Canada.  Both Irwin and Lois exemplified Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self” and they have left a huge legacy of service in hearing treatment, education, and training through their volunteer efforts, at home and abroad, and very significantly in Uganda.  They will forever be remembered as humble and kind humanitarians.

The Hearing Centre builds on and extends the work begun by Dr. Stewart and continued by Dr. Westerberg and others through a number of Rotary projects.  Establishing the Centre, and naming it in honour of Dr. Stewart, are fitting tributes to a remarkable Canadian Rotarian.

Funding for the Centre is coming from a Rotary Global Grant project sponsored by the two Rotary Clubs.  A good deal of the $133,000 (US) project cost is being provided by Global and District Rotary Foundation grants, along with a $40,000 (US) contribution from the Government of Canada.  The Rotary Club of New Westminster is committed to raising $23,000 (US) to complete the project funding.  Some donations have been received, and the Club itself will provide part of the funding. 



Dr. Irwin Stewart Memorial Project 2020-09-26 07:00:00Z 0 Dr. Irwin Stewart Hearing Health Centre Uganda

Thursday Sept 24 meeting 7PM on ZOOM

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We have moved our lunch meeting to Thursday September 24 at 7:00pm on ZOOM
For login information please contact
Our presenter will be Allison Perry, an elementary school teacher will be joining us to provide some insight on teaching in the classroom during the COVID 19 pandemic. She currently teaches grades 6/7.
Allison graduated from UBC with her Bachelor of Education and has been teaching for 7 years. She has been at her current school, Cedar Hills, in the Surrey District for 5 years.
Allison attended RYLA and is a Past President of the Rotaract Club of New Westminster.
Can't make it?
Check out our club website for upcoming speakers.
Thursday Sept 24 meeting 7PM on ZOOM 2020-09-23 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Myth Busters 2020-09-21 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Club of New Westminster membership

Queen's Park Healthcare Foundation

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Over the years the Rotary Club of New Westminster has contributed new equipment to make life a little nicer for the patients at Queens Park Healthcare Centre. 
On September 17th they are holding a virtual trivia fundraiser - they need the community's support. 
So show off your trivia skills and buy a ticket! 
Queen's Park Healthcare Foundation 2020-09-10 07:00:00Z 0 Queen's Park Healthcare Foundation,Trivia

A Celebration! 

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A small group celebrated outside in person, and with others on ZOOM to wish Gerda Suess, a wonderful Rotarian and community supporter a VERY HAPPY 90th Birthday! 
A Celebration! 2020-09-03 07:00:00Z 0

A historic announcement 

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Jennifer E. Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, has been nominated to become Rotary International’s president for 2022-23, a selection that will make her the first woman to hold that office in the organization’s 115-year history. 

A current Rotary Foundation trustee, Jones has been a member since 1997 and has served Rotary as vice president, director, training leader, committee chair, moderator, and district governor. Read more on the nomination: 
A historic announcement 2020-08-14 07:00:00Z 0 Jennifer E Jones
Rotary Youth Programs Presentation 2020-08-08 07:00:00Z 0

Service to Rotary Milestone

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We would like to acknowledge Past President 2014/15 Nick Cheng's 15 years of service to our club!
Thank you Nick for all of your contributions to our our club and Rotary.
Here's a throw back picture to your installation June of 2014.
Service to Rotary Milestone 2020-07-22 07:00:00Z 0

All the way from Denmark! 

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Our former Rotary Exchange student, Julie Dahl- 2013/2014 joined our Rotary meeting today, all the way from Denmark!
It was wonderful catching up. We had a tour of her lovely garden.
It was great to have members of the Royal City Club join us as well.
And check out Jeremy's awesome t-shirt.
All the way from Denmark! 2020-07-16 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Connects the world,Rotary Youth Exchange
Paul Harris said... 2020-07-16 07:00:00Z 0 Paul Harris Fellow,Rotary Club of New Westminster membership

Welcome back Jeremy!

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We were delighted to welcome back Jeremy Perry to our club. 
Our first member induction of the new Rotary year. 
Welcome back Jeremy! 2020-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

It's a new Rotary Year! 

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The members of the Rotary Club, thank our Past President Cindy Tang for her leadership this past year.
And welcome our new President Louise Perry, as she takes on the challenge for this upcoming year.
The theme is Rotary Opens Opportunities. 
Due to the pandemic our Installation was held via Zoom, so we have no new photos to share...
here are a few from a previous event.
It's a new Rotary Year! 2020-07-01 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Top Ten Reasons to Embrace Online Meetings 2020-06-29 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary New Westminster on Zoom

George Gareb passes away

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The members of the Rotary Club of New Westminster remember the life of George Gareb who passed away recently.
George joined the club in 1984 was loved and respected as our Sgt. of Arms for many years. He had a big smile and a bigger handshake. 
Our condolences to his wife Rose, his daughters and family.
Rest peacefully dear George.
George Gareb passes away 2020-06-24 07:00:00Z 0
Meet our young reader! 2020-06-21 07:00:00Z 0 Dolly Parton Imagination Library New Westminster,Literacy
The Royal City Rotary Club presents Dr. Bonnie Henry with a Paul Harris Fellow 2020-06-17 07:00:00Z 0 Dr Bonnie Henry,Paul Harris Fellow

Hyack Princess 2020/21

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The two Rotary Clubs in New Westminster are proud, enthusiastic cosponsors of the Original New Westminster Hyack Ambassadors Programme. 
Congratulations to all the candidates, including this year's Miss New Westminster Moira Young, sponsored by Queens Park Dental.

We are delighted to share that our candidate, Tianna Beaudoin was the recipient of the Knowledge Award, The People's Choice Award and was crowned Hyack Princess. 

Wishing the Hyack Ambassador Team for 2020/21 a wonderful year representing the Royal City.
Miss New Westminster, Moira Young
Hyack Princess, Tianna Beaudoin
Hyack Princess 2020/21 2020-05-31 07:00:00Z 0

Throw back Thursday 

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Rotarian Dave Vallee stumbled upon one of the projects we supported in 1983. 
Check out the video from the City of New Westminster website.
We are sure the kids are anxiously waiting for park facilities to open. 
But in the meantime, back to the old fashioned spray parks. 
A sprinkler in the backyard. 
Rotary Presidential Year 1983-84
William E. Skelton
"Share Rotary - Serve People"
Throw back Thursday 2020-05-21 07:00:00Z 0

Meet our Hyack Ambassador Tianna 

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In partnership with the Rotary Club New Westminster, Royal City we are proud to sponsor Tianna Beaudoin in this year's Hyack Ambassador Program. 

Tianna is the daughter of Yvan and Corinne Beaudoin, and is in grade 11 at New Westminster Secondary. Tianna has a strong interest in nature and wildlife, and has been a member of the Girl Guides of Canada for 7 years. Tianna is also trained in piano, flute and highland dance. In her spare time, she enjoys art, drawing, painting, knitting or "basically anything crafty".

Tianna is inspired by watercolour artist Polina Bright because of her incredible talent and creativity. "It is amazing to see how her style has evolved over time and inspiring to see that she has been able to turn her talent into a business which allows her to pursue her biggest passion as a career."


Tianna's most treasured keepsake is a fan that she made at camp during her trip to Japan with Girl Guides. It is signed by all of the Japanese Girl Scouts she became friends with and all the girls in the group she travelled with. "It’s special to me because it reminds me of all the amazing memories I have from that camp and the rest of our group’s adventures in Japan."

Her proudest moment of her life so far was her first highland dance competition. "I was extremely nervous about competing/performing in front of others but I’m very glad that I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone and tried something new."

Tianna's favourite thing to do in the Royal City, besides the Hyack Festival, is taking walks around Queen’s Park with her family or friends.


Tianna wouldn’t trade places with anyone, even if presented the chance,  because she is so happy and grateful for everything in her life. She would like to live her own unique experiences, and hopefully make some positive change in the world during her lifetime.

Tianna believes she would make a good Hyack Ambassador because in her life, she strives to be kind and to help others. She is proud to live in New Westminster and would like to use this opportunity to be more involved in our community and to share this pride with others.



Meet our Hyack Ambassador Tianna 2020-05-19 07:00:00Z 0
Virtual Meetings on ZOOM  2020-04-23 07:00:00Z 0

Support during COVID 19

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We are still helping our community in different areas. We recognize that our youth, seniors and most vulnerable need additional support throughout the COVID 19 crisis. 
We have made financial donations to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library operating in New Westminster to send books to children, Seniors Services Society to help with the Meals and Wheels Program, Union Gospel Mission and Salvation Army to continue to provide nourishing meals to the vulnerable.
Support during COVID 19 2020-04-21 07:00:00Z 0

Sharing is caring

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A small gesture, but a sweet one.
On behalf of our club members, Rotarian Jaimie McEvoy drops off 4 cases of delicious Girl Guide Cookies to thank the heroes working during the COVID 19 Pandemic at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Sharing is caring 2020-04-02 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Meetings Cancelled

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As a public health precaution in relation to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), it is prudent and socially responsible that our Club suspend our weekly meetings until further notice.
We will continue to monitor the health situation, re-evaluate on a week to week basis and keep you updated. 
Rotary Meetings Cancelled 2020-03-17 07:00:00Z 0

 Bevies & Bites 2020 was a success!

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So many generous financial sponsors, prize donors, food contributors and the BEVERAGE providers made sure we had a successful inaugural 
Bevies & Bites fundraiser. 
Thank you to all!
And thank you to the many volunteers and of course the attendees.
Most importantly the net proceeds will be shared with KidSport and I's on the Street and Rotary programs. 
Here are a few pictures from the evening and a link to the album.
Bevies & Bites 2020 was a success! 2020-03-05 08:00:00Z 0

Feb 6 2020 meeting

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Photo Credits: Gaby Gasztonyi
Hyack Association "Shining Bright in the Royal City, a year in review" 
Rotarian Lynne Francis thanks Past President Lili De Capite and  PresidentPenny McIvor for their presentation.
(John Milne photobombing in the back)
Our former club member and Past President 2003/2004 of the Hyack Festival Assn - Terri Rodger visited.
PDG Del Paterson presents one of our Past Presidents Nick Cheng with another Paul Harris Fellow Pin. PHF + 4
Feb 6 2020 meeting 2020-02-07 08:00:00Z 0

Hyack President's Tea

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A lovely photo from the Hyack President's Tea. Miss Rotary Clubs of New Westminster
Tianna Beaudoin
Hyack President's Tea 2020-01-26 08:00:00Z 0

Bevies and Bites February 29 

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OR CONTACT Dave Vallee at
Bevies and Bites February 29 2020-01-24 08:00:00Z 0

A new decade, a new member!

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Nancy inducted our newest member. Welcome to Anne Holden, from the Salvation Army.
Photo credit Gabor Gasztonyi
A new decade, a new member! 2020-01-23 08:00:00Z 0

1st meeting of 2020

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A great first meeting of 2020. 
Wayne presented Heather and Tami from Fraserside Community Services Society with our donation to help with their Horizons Program and we heard how our previous donation to the Union Gospel Missionhas helped them provide nourishing meals to the folks that need assistance in our community. Dave thanked Mike and Jessica for a wonderful presentation.
1st meeting of 2020 2020-01-09 08:00:00Z 0
Happy New Year, 2020! 2020-01-01 08:00:00Z 0

Merry Christmas 2019

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Our members and guests gathered for our final meeting of the year. 
Merry Christmas! See you in January.
Photo credit: Gaby Gasztonyi
Merry Christmas 2019 2019-12-19 08:00:00Z 0

Ringing the Bells 2019

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Thank you to the several members and friends that came out to raise some funds for The Salvation Army!
Always a great day - fun and fellowship, while fundraising. 
Above photos by Gabor Gasztonyi
Ringing the Bells 2019 2019-12-14 08:00:00Z 0
Miss New Westminster, Natasha Sing 2019-12-12 08:00:00Z 0

In Memory of Jim Dodd

In memory of Rotarian Jim Dodd, who joined The Rotary Club of New Westminster in 1976.
He will be sadly missed but his many contributions to the community will be forever remembered. 
Condolences to his family and friends. 
In Memory of Jim Dodd 2019-11-30 08:00:00Z 0

Club Christmas Social 

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We had a wonderful Christmas social last night. A special guest dropped by with some special gifts!
PDG Darcy Long, presented Past President John Berry with the Gold President's Citation and several awards for our Rotary Foundation contributions. Thank you to all of our club members and friends for their generosity!
We also enjoyed spending time with Margot and Russell Barton who have been amazing hosts to many of our Exchange Students, including Ana, who is with us this year from Brazil. And a special thank you to President Cindy Tang and her husband Brent for hosting.
And lucky Nick Cheng received a special gift from Santa (2 Canucks Tickets) for his generosity! 
Club Christmas Social 2019-11-28 08:00:00Z 0

November is Rotary Foundation Month

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The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.

With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.

Our mission

The mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

What impact can one donation have?

  • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
  • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
  • $500 can launch an anti-bullying campaign and create a safe environment for children
November is Rotary Foundation Month 2019-11-26 08:00:00Z 0
Fundraising and Fellowship at the District Foundation Dinner 2019-11-16 08:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day Program

Posted on Nov 07, 2019
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John thanks our guest speakers for our informative Remembrance Day presentation.
Robert Mitchell Harley, WW1 Historian and Curator of the Regimental Museum and Terry Leith, President of The Royal Westminster Regiment Association and 1st VP it the Royal Canadian Legion.
Remembrance Day Program 2019-11-07 08:00:00Z 0

No Stone Left Alone

Posted on Nov 04, 2019
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Club members, Nick Cheng and Captain John Milne CD, Company Commander with the Royal Westminster Regiment attended the
“No Stone Left Alone” ceremony at the Military Section of Fraser Cemetary,  New Westminster on Monday November 3.
Poppies were placed on military headstones.
No Stone Left Alone 2019-11-04 08:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now 2019 Campaign

Posted on Oct 28, 2019
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A few pics to share from our End Polio Now awareness event that was held in the Royal City Centre Mall with the Royal City Club on the weekend. 
Thanks to the members that volunteered their time on such a sunny weekend!
To learn more about this campaign:
End Polio Now 2019 Campaign 2019-10-28 07:00:00Z 0

Oct 24 speaker

Posted on Oct 24, 2019
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Rotarian Jodi thanks our speaker Colin Hawes Assoc. Professor of Law  from the University of Technology, Sydney for his presentation.
Oct 24 speaker 2019-10-24 07:00:00Z 0

Eye Clinic 2019

Posted on Oct 20, 2019
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Thank you to our community partners, and the volunteers for another successful eye clinic!
Many folks will be receiving their new eyewear in a few weeks. 
(to see more photos please view the article in the New Westminster Record in the downloads section on the left of our home page)
Eye Clinic 2019 2019-10-20 07:00:00Z 0

Club meeting Oct 17

Posted on Oct 17, 2019
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We welcomed  and exchanged banners with Dilip, the Past President of RC Curchorem Sanvordem 
District 3170 Goa India. His wife ,who is also a Rotarian joined us as well.
Club meeting Oct 17 2019-10-17 07:00:00Z 0

Fundraising + Fellowship

Posted on Oct 02, 2019
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Several members and their guests enjoyed a fabulous fundraiser presented by the Seniors Services Society and The Royal City Rotary Club. 
Age is Just a Number! 
The Senior Services Society supports the senior members of our community in so many ways. 
To learn more or volunteer:
Fundraising + Fellowship 2019-10-02 07:00:00Z 0

September is Literacy Month

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One of Rotary's 6 Pillars is Basic Education and Literacy.
Our club is proud to support literacy in our community. 
We donated books to the Fraser Middle School library and recently provided seed money to start a new chapter of the
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Queensborough.
And in the same theme at our final meeting in September, our members are invited to bring 3 books to swap and discuss.
September is Literacy Month 2019-09-20 07:00:00Z 0
Our newest Paul Harris Fellow 2019-09-15 07:00:00Z 0

Councilor Nadine Nakagawa

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Past President John Berry thanks our speaker Councilor Nadine Nakagawa for taking time out of her busy schedule to visit our club. 
Councilor Nadine Nakagawa 2019-09-15 07:00:00Z 0

David Neima

Posted on Aug 22, 2019
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Congratulations to our member, David Neima who was recognized for his dedication to Canadian Eyesight Global. Rotary International President Mark Maloney was there to present the award that was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Surrey, District 5050. 
Thank you David for “Giving Light to the World.”
David Neima 2019-08-22 07:00:00Z 0

Thank you! Until next year...

Posted on Jul 11, 2019
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The 24th Annual Pot of Gold Charity Golf Tournament, jointly organized by the Royal City Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of New Westminster, was another great success.  Under ideal golfing conditions at Mayfair Lakes Golf Club in Richmond, 120 golfers teed off in a Texas Scramble format to compete for team and individual prizes, followed by a delicious buffet and live and silent auctions.  With the support of sponsors (including our title sponsor Cassady & Company), donors, golfers and volunteers  the event raised over $34,000 this year, bringing the 24 year cumulative total to over $565,000!  Also sharing in the net proceeds are Salvation Army and Purpose Society, an alternate educational facility.  All of the beneficiaries will use their funds to support projects for youth in our community, including RYLA, Adventure programs, Rotaract, Interact, a hot lunch program in New Westminster Secondary School and Youth Exchange. 
Plan on joining us on July 14, 2020 for our special, 25th Annual Pot of Gold Charity Golf Tournament.
Thank you! Until next year... 2019-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

Lunch on the Linnee

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Our new President Captain Cindy, members and guests were treated to a delightful luncheon aboard the Linnee, by Rotarian Lynne and her husband Ron.
Lunch on the Linnee 2019-06-27 07:00:00Z 0

2019-2020 Installation Event

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Our inspirational outgoing President John Berry thanks the club and presents the board of directors with some delicious chocolates. 
The Honourable Bob Crawford installs Cindy Tang as our new President for 2019-2020
2019-2020 Installation Event 2019-06-20 07:00:00Z 0
A sunny success! 2019-05-28 07:00:00Z 0
End Polio Now 2019-05-15 07:00:00Z 0
In our community... 2019-05-10 07:00:00Z 0

RYLA 2019

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Tsomo, Kathy and Danny shared their experience at Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) held at Camp Elphinstone.
The 4­-day camp consists of interactive workshops, team­building exercises, presentations from professional speakers, hands ­on service projects and many other fun activities!
For additional information about RYLA:
RYLA 2019 2019-05-09 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation

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Congratulations and thank you to our members for this achievement!
Rotary Foundation 2019-03-25 07:00:00Z 0

March Programs

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We heard from two of our newer members this month. 
Jodi and Vasant shared their stories with our members. Rotarians Mike and Nancy thanked them.
We also had a visit from Elsbeth! She helped us sing the national anthem.
March Programs 2019-03-21 07:00:00Z 0
New Westminster Hyack Ambassador Leadership Program 2019-03-08 08:00:00Z 0

Former BC Lion, Angus Reid shared his story

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Our members were fortunate to hear from Angus Reid, a former player for the BC Lions.
We look forward to reading his book "Thank You Coach".
Laurie presents him with our Rotary coin to say thank you.
Former BC Lion, Angus Reid shared his story 2019-02-22 08:00:00Z 0

Supporting our foundation

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PDG Del Paterson, thanks ADG Nancy Eidsvik for her long time support of the Rotary Foundation.
She is presented with her pin for Major Donor Level 2.
Supporting our foundation 2019-02-21 08:00:00Z 0

Welcome Lynne!

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We are delighted to introduce our newest member.
Lynne Francis!
Welcome Lynne! 2019-02-15 08:00:00Z 0

Arts Council of New Westminster

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We enjoyed an informative presentation about our local arts council, from the Executive Director Stephen O'Shea.
Stephen was recently the recipient of the Citizen of the Year, by  The Chamber of Commerce.
Wayne Corlett thanks him at our lunch meeting held at The Bavaria Haus.
More information can be found here:
Arts Council of New Westminster 2019-02-08 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary Theme for 2019-2020 Unveiled

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RI President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney announces the 2019-20 presidential theme - Rotary Connects the World.
“Through Rotary, we connect to the incredible diversity of humanity on a truly unique footing, forging deep and lasting ties in pursuit of a common goal,” he added. “In this ever more divided world, Rotary connects us all.”
Rotary Theme for 2019-2020 Unveiled 2019-01-15 08:00:00Z 0
Leo tries cross country! 2019-01-08 08:00:00Z 0

Merry Christmas 2018

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Our members and many guests celebrated another upcoming holiday season at the Old Bavaria Haus.
We shared a lovely meal, and thanked our chef Michael and server Trevor for their service this year. PDG Del presented some PHF pins and we welcomed back a former member Chris back to our club.
Leo, our exchange student from Germany received a Christmas gift from our members.
We also had our annual AGM and have elected our President and board members for July 2019-June 2018.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
(See all the photos under the photo album tab)
Merry Christmas 2018 2018-12-21 08:00:00Z 0

DG Darcy Long visits our club

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We were delighted to have DG Darcy Long join us. It was an award winning week for us!
We were honoured to received the Platinum Award from the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce for the best Non Profit and then DG Darcy presented us with a special recognition for our work in the End Polio Now initiative. 
DG Darcy Long visits our club 2018-12-01 08:00:00Z 0

November is Foundation Month!

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PDG Del Paterson provided our club with an overview of our Rotary Foundation and the importance of contributing to it. It really helps us continue our good work both locally and internationally.
ADG Nancy Eidsvik thanks Del for his presentation, and Del awards Gord Mackie with his Paul Harris +4.
November is Foundation Month! 2018-11-15 08:00:00Z 0
3rd Annual Eye Clinic 2018-11-14 08:00:00Z 0
In Remembrance 2018-11-08 08:00:00Z 0
New Westminster Rotaract members 2018-10-16 07:00:00Z 0
This years theme 2018-10-09 07:00:00Z 0

Our fieldtrip to check out the Solo electric cars

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Our members and their guests had the opportunity to do a “field trip” to the Solo electric car factory in New Westminster.  It is a state of the art business and factory and on the cutting edge of technology and the green revolution.  We enjoyed a tour of the assembly plant and a history of their company and products.  More info on the company and their products can be found at:
We didn't actually take a bus, but we did CARPOOL.
Thank you to our hosts for a very interesting tour.
Check out a some of our pictures....
Our fieldtrip to check out the Solo electric cars 2018-10-05 07:00:00Z 0

President's Citation

Posted on Oct 03, 2018
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President John Berry and  our member and Assistant District Governor Nancy Eidsvik, accept on behalf of Past President Richard Prill, the  Rotary International President's Citation for the Rotary Year 2017-2018 from Past District Governor Don Evans.
President's Citation 2018-10-03 07:00:00Z 0


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Members and guests gathered for an evening of fellowship while sharing a potluck dinner.
Potluck 2018-09-28 07:00:00Z 0

New members!

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Meet our newest members! Del Paterson and our members welcome back Laurie Stewart, and are delighted to induct Vasant Jain.
New members! 2018-09-20 07:00:00Z 0

Rob Stewart

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Club members and guests that attended today's meeting appreciated the wonderful presentation by Rob Stewart. He shared some personal stories about his father, Irwin Stewart.
Irwin who past away June 5, 2017 was a special, giving man and member of our club. He is truly missed, but his memory lives on in the good work he did and the legacies he has left behind.
Photos courtesy of Gaby Gasztonyi
Rob Stewart 2018-09-13 07:00:00Z 0

Meet Leo!

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Welcome to our newest exchange student, Leo who just arrived from Germany.
His host parents, Dave and Pam took him to the new Whistler Suspension Bridge.
Meet Leo! 2018-08-17 07:00:00Z 0

August 2 meeting Cancelled

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Due to the upcoming holiday weekend our  August 2nd lunch meeting is cancelled as we expect very low attendance. Please join us next Thursday, August 9th.  Sorry for any inconvenience.
August 2 meeting Cancelled 2018-07-31 07:00:00Z 0

Victor and Kate

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Victor, our current visting Youth Exchange Student from Brazil welcomes back Kate, our Youth Exchange Student who has recently returned from her year in Spain.
Victor and Kate 2018-07-12 07:00:00Z 0
It's a new year for Rotary 2018-07-03 07:00:00Z 0

Installation 2018

Last night we celebrated our successes with outgoing President Richard Prill and look forward to our new year with incoming President John Berry.
Thank you to our District Governor Nominee Bala Naidoo and his spouse Vasi for joining us.
Our Emcee Dave Vallee congratulates and thanks Richard for a great year.
District Governor Nominee, Bala Naidoo shares his insights with our members and guests.
Installation 2018 2018-06-14 07:00:00Z 0

You Wear it Well-Just for Grads

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Rotarian Nick Cheng thanks Margaret Wills for her presentation that showed our members how our donation makes sure local youth can attend their grad.
You Wear it Well-Just for Grads 2018-06-07 07:00:00Z 0

Polio Walk 2018

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Thank you to our walkers, donors, sponsors and spectators - The Walk to End Polio 2018 was another success on a beautiful day in New Westminster.
Polio Walk 2018 2018-05-29 07:00:00Z 0

Meet Rachel Way

Rotarian Dave Vallee thanks Rachel Way for her delightful presentation at our club today.
Rachel is a grade 11 student at Saint Thomas More Collegiate.
She was sponsored by our club to attend the Adventures in Citizenship held in Ottawa.
She had many great experiences while making new friends.
Meet Rachel Way 2018-05-17 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome Violet!

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We welcomed a new member, Violet Chan who was sponsored for membership by Carmelita Tapia.
Past DG Del Paterson inducted her to our club at our lunch meeting held at the Bavaria Haus.
Welcome Violet! 2018-04-19 07:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Senator Martin

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Our member, Rotarian George Sandwith thanks The Honourable Yonah Martin for her presentation at our club meeting.
Guest Speaker Senator Martin 2018-04-13 07:00:00Z 0
Our newest Paul Harris Fellow 2018-04-06 07:00:00Z 0

Four more helping hands!

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We welcomed 2 new members in March.
Meet Brunella from the Hyack Festival Association and Jessica from the Salvation Army.
Four more helping hands! 2018-04-06 07:00:00Z 0
Note: No meeting at Boston Pizza this month. 2018-03-12 07:00:00Z 0

90th Anniversary Moment 

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Our member Assistant District Governor Nancy Eidsvik thanks Rotary International President Ian Riseley with a donation in his name to our upcoming Walk to End Polio.
90th Anniversary Moment 2018-02-25 08:00:00Z 0

90 Years Celebration

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Our club was fortunate and delighted to have Rotary International President Ian H.S. Riseley attend our 90th Anniversary Celebration. More pictures to follow...
90 Years Celebration 2018-02-14 08:00:00Z 0

January Speakers 

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We enjoyed some excellent guest speakers in January. 
Judy Darcy MLA New Westminster (Minister of Mental Health and Addictions) 
Roger Killen, Producer Tedx Stanley Park 
January Speakers 2018-01-31 08:00:00Z 0
Happy New Year 2017-12-31 08:00:00Z 0
The Bells are ringing! 2017-12-20 08:00:00Z 0

Christmas Spirit

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President Richard Prill and President Elect John Berry in the Christmas spirit at the City of New Westminster Christmas get together.
Christmas Spirit 2017-12-13 08:00:00Z 0
November is Foundation Month 2017-11-24 08:00:00Z 0

Wheel Chair donation

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Inspecting the new wheelchairs our club donated to the Queens Park Health Care Centre to help our seniors get around!

Back row (left to right): Gerda Suess (Sergeant-at-Arms, Rotary Club), Nick Cheng (Director, Rotary Club) and Jason Lesage (Executive Director, Queen’s Park Healthcare Foundation)


Front row (left to right): Hamid Mahmoudi (Manager, Clinical Operations, Rehabilitation), Dave Vallee (Past President, Rotary Club) and Richard Prill (President, Rotary Club)

Wheel Chair donation 2017-10-19 07:00:00Z 0

Our 2nd Eye Clinic

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A great project with outstanding results. A total of 39 patients were seen by 2 eye doctors as well as students and teachers from Douglas College. 

Most of our patients were referred to us from various agencies in New Westminster. Thank you to our partners, volunteers and Tim Hortons for the treats.

Our 2nd Eye Clinic 2017-10-07 07:00:00Z 0

Goodbye Calvin and Zoey

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President Richard Prill and Rotarian George Sandwith thank our bio medical students for their presentation and wish them good luck in their future endeavors.
Goodbye Calvin and Zoey 2017-10-06 07:00:00Z 0

Dr. Arlene King

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Del Paterson and Dawn Rutledge thank Dr. Arlene King for her informative presentation regarding Polio.
Dr. Arlene King 2017-09-29 07:00:00Z 0

Meet Calvin!

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One of our international projects is sponsoring bio medical students to come to Canada for their training. 
This is Calvin, one of our students working at Vancouver General Hospital. 
Meet Calvin! 2017-09-17 07:00:00Z 0

Join us for Lunch!

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We have great fellowship, food and support our community both local and international. 
Join us for lunch at The Bavaria Haus on the first 3 Thursdays of the month. 
Join us for Lunch! 2017-09-17 07:00:00Z 0

Helping our Seniors

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We are proud to support the Seniors Services Society and the Queens Park Hospital Foundation with donations for their programs.
Nick Cheng and Kara-Leigh Bloch from the Senior Services Society 
Dave Vallee with Jason Lesage from Queens Park Hospital Foundation
Helping our Seniors 2017-07-07 07:00:00Z 0

It's a new Rotary Year!

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On June 21st our members and guests gathered to say Thank you to Dave Vallee for his great year. Bob Crawford installed our new President Richard Prill. 
Our theme for 2017-2018 is ROTARY: MAKING A DIFFERENCE. We plan to do just that! 
It's a new Rotary Year! 2017-07-01 07:00:00Z 0


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We said goodbye to our wonderful exchange students.
Lavinia from Italy and Juan from Mexico.
Farewell 2017-06-29 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarians at Work!

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Rotarians Richard Prill and Jim Dodd at the loading of the Philippine container on June 3. Basic arrangements for the container were made by Elena Agala who is shown in the picture. 


Rotarians at Work! 2017-06-07 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Water Fountain in Pier Park  2017-05-29 07:00:00Z 0
2017 Walk to End Polio a great success! 2017-05-29 07:00:00Z 0

Books, books and more books!

Dr. Suess said it best -

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

Our club supports literacy and recently donated 400 books to the library at our newest school. - Fraser River Middle School.
Books, books and more books! 2017-04-07 07:00:00Z 0
Our offsite meeting at Thornebridge Gardens 2017-04-07 07:00:00Z 0

Our Thursday Evening meetings are fun!

On the last Thursday of the month we hold an evening meeting at Boston Pizza Columbia Square Plaza at 5:30. These meetings are informative and FUN.....
This weeks topic was a brief history on our Word Community Service by Mike Crean.
Our Thursday Evening meetings are fun! 2017-02-23 08:00:00Z 0
Community Networking event 2017-01-31 08:00:00Z 0
Mike Crean presents at Kololo Club 2017-01-24 08:00:00Z 0

Thanks from the  Boys and Girls Club

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 Rotary on Ice was held at the Langley Events Centre. Rotarians, friends and family members had a great night supporting the Vancouver Giants.This event creates awareness of our efforts to eradicate Polio.
We also donated tickets to the Lower Mainland Boys and Girls Clubs.
We received this fabulous handmade card of thanks from a few of the young people that enjoyed the game.
Thanks from the Boys and Girls Club 2016-12-02 08:00:00Z 0

Children's play area opens at RCH

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Members of the Rotary Club of New Westminster and the Group of Five officially open the new children's play area at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Another great joint project to help our community!
Children's play area opens at RCH 2016-11-16 08:00:00Z 0

DG Lyn Stroshin visits our club

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Members and guests gathered to hear inspirational words from our District Governor Lyn Stroshin.
PDG Del Paterson, DG Lyn Stroshin, President Dave Vallee present a freshly baked Black Forest cake celebrating 100 years of The Rotary Foundation.
DG Lyn Stroshin visits our club 2016-11-03 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary members and guests had a great day at JIBC Louise Perry 2016-10-18 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Eye Clinic 

On Sunday while many were sharing Thanksgiving with families the Rotary Club of New Westminster was helping the community by providing a eye clinic at the Salvation Army.
Along with several Rotarians and members of the  Rotaract Club, eye care professionals aided by Douglas College students helped with free eye exams and glasses. 
Rotary Eye Clinic  Louise Perry 2016-10-11 07:00:00Z 0
Does this sound like you?   2016-09-27 07:00:00Z 0

UBC/Douglas College Dentistry Program presentation

Posted on Aug 18, 2016

Zul Kanji, Director and Co-ordinator of UBC Dental Hygiene Degree Program and Susan Schmitz,

Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Dentistry with Louise Perry and Dave Vallee.

Photo Courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi


On August 18, 2016 our Club presented a cheque of $5,000 to cover next year’s operating costs in providing free dental care to low-income families in New Westminster.

UBC/Douglas College Dentistry Program presentation 2016-08-18 07:00:00Z 0

Presentation to JIBC

Posted on Jul 08, 2016
On behalf of the members of The Rotary Club of New Westminster Del Paterson presents a cheque to Christopher Duffin and Kathy Harms from the Justice Institute of BC
The funds will be used to purchase Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Trainers.
Presentation to JIBC 2016-07-08 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of New Westminster Installation Dinner

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Members of the Rotary Club of New Westminster gathered to reflect on the past year with President John Berry and welcome our new President Dave Vallee for the new year celebrating Rotary Serving Humanity. We welcomed a new member and some special awards were presented. It was a wonderful evening.
Outgoing President John Berry says goodbye and thank you.
Our new President Dave Vallee with his wife Pam and her parents.
Rotary Club of New Westminster Installation Dinner 2016-06-28 07:00:00Z 0 #hildacliffe
Our Walk to End Polio Thanks for coming! 2016-05-15 07:00:00Z 0

Walk to End Polio

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Rotary, along with our partners, has reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. We are close to eradicating polio, but we need your help. 
How ... The Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs of Burnaby & New Westminster and the Vancouver Cambie club will be holding the 3rd Annual Rotary's Walk to End Polio Now.  We would like to ask you to join us by:
  1. Signing Up as a Team or Individual to help raise funds and/or
  2. Make a Donation and/or
  3. Show your support by coming out to the Walk.
    Walk Details: Saturday, May 14 |  9am to 12 noon  |  River Market, 810 Quayside Drive, New Westminster |  For additional details click on the Walk Details on the side bar.
Walk to End Polio 2016-04-08 07:00:00Z 0
District 5040 Foundation Dinner 2016 2016-02-08 08:00:00Z 0
Enthusiastic students from Vector International Academy Visit our Club 2016-01-14 08:00:00Z 0
Angela Sealy From Active Choices kicks off our New Year! 2016-01-07 08:00:00Z 0
JIBC hosts a Rotary Meeting at the New West Campus 2015-12-03 08:00:00Z 0
District Governor John Anderson visits The Rotary Club of New Westminster 2015-11-27 08:00:00Z 0

Del Paterson welcomes our newest Rotarian!

Past District Governor, Del Paterson inducts our newest member Vladimir Fitsko -Mortgage Planning Specialist at Investors Group.
Photo credit: Dawn Rutledge-Brennen
Del Paterson welcomes our newest Rotarian! 2015-11-20 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Program

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Past District Governor Irwin Stewart thanks another Past District Governor Del Paterson for his informative presentation on Our Rotary Foundation.
Photo credit: Dave Vallee
Rotary Foundation Program 2015-11-10 08:00:00Z 0

Welcome our newest Rotarian!

Past District Governor Del Paterson inducts the newest member of our club, Eva Galvez from the Salvation Army. Eva was proposed by our Club President John Berry.
Welcome our newest Rotarian! 2015-11-04 08:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Gaby Gasztonyi helps fight Polio in Ethiopia 2015-10-15 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary supports UBC/Douglas College Dentistry community dental program 2015-08-08 07:00:00Z 0
2015 Polio Walk -Rotarians and friends had a great time for a great cause 2015-07-03 07:00:00Z 0
Congratulations to our new President John Berry 2015-07-01 07:00:00Z 0

Thank you President Nick Cheng

The members of The Rotary Club of New Westminster thank outgoing President Nick Cheng for his leadership this past year.
Nick Cheng, wife Ying, incoming President John Berry
(photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi)
Thank you President Nick Cheng 2015-06-26 00:00:00Z 0
White Rock Celebrates 60 years 2015-06-12 00:00:00Z 0
Welcome our newest member Marivic! 2015-04-29 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary helps Salvation Army feeding programs

Posted on Apr 29, 2015
Sharon Tidd representing the New Westminster Salvation Army thanks Bill Payne and the members of the Rotary Club for the donation towards a new walk in refrigerator
Photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi
Rotary helps Salvation Army feeding programs 2015-04-29 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary in New Westminster donates to the Wait for Me Daddy Campaign

Posted by Louise Perry on Sep 23, 2014
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The Rotary Club of New Westminster and The Rotary Club of New Westminster-Royal City partner with the City of New Westminster and jointly contribute $25,000 to the Wait for Me Daddy Campaign.

see for details of the project. Members from both clubs present Mayor Wayne Wright with the cheques.






Rotary in New Westminster donates to the Wait for Me Daddy Campaign Louise Perry 2014-09-24 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Supports Jr Salmonbellies with a $5000.00 donation Louise Perry 2014-06-25 00:00:00Z 0