Spring has Sprung! Please join us April 1st at Noon on Zoom for a special program.
Eric Young will present The Art and Science of Dahlias
- Eric has been a volunteer with Rotary International since he joined the Rotaract Club in 2007 while in university.
- He has a BSc in Health Information Science from the University of Victoria and moved to Vancouver in 2014 to work at the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council as a Data Analyst. Eric has a strong interest in healthcare transformation and quality improvement and is passionate about using health information to story-tell and drive improvement work.
- In recent years, Eric picked up gardening, growing dahlias in particular.
- This is a passion of his mother (Connie) and he took it upon himself to learn from her.
- In his spare time he enjoys spending time outdoors either running
- Contact Louise Perry by email for ZOOM link lperrynewwestrotary@gmail.com