Tianna is the daughter of Yvan and Corinne Beaudoin, and is in grade 11 at New Westminster Secondary. Tianna has a strong interest in nature and wildlife, and has been a member of the Girl Guides of Canada for 7 years. Tianna is also trained in piano, flute and highland dance. In her spare time, she enjoys art, drawing, painting, knitting or "basically anything crafty".
Tianna is inspired by watercolour artist Polina Bright because of her incredible talent and creativity. "It is amazing to see how her style has evolved over time and inspiring to see that she has been able to turn her talent into a business which allows her to pursue her biggest passion as a career."
Tianna's most treasured keepsake is a fan that she made at camp during her trip to Japan with Girl Guides. It is signed by all of the Japanese Girl Scouts she became friends with and all the girls in the group she travelled with. "It’s special to me because it reminds me of all the amazing memories I have from that camp and the rest of our group’s adventures in Japan."
Her proudest moment of her life so far was her first highland dance competition. "I was extremely nervous about competing/performing in front of others but I’m very glad that I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone and tried something new."
Tianna's favourite thing to do in the Royal City, besides the Hyack Festival, is taking walks around Queen’s Park with her family or friends.
Tianna wouldn’t trade places with anyone, even if presented the chance, because she is so happy and grateful for everything in her life. She would like to live her own unique experiences, and hopefully make some positive change in the world during her lifetime.
Tianna believes she would make a good Hyack Ambassador because in her life, she strives to be kind and to help others. She is proud to live in New Westminster and would like to use this opportunity to be more involved in our community and to share this pride with others.