Recently, our club celebrated our COVID-19 Rotary Year 2020-21 with our first in person gathering. We said good bye to President Louise and welcomed our new President for 2021-22 - Mike Crean at our 94th Installation event.
It was a wonderful event hosted by Rotarian Laurie Stewart and her husband Jamie in their beautiful yard. Dave Vallee was a terrific Emcee.
A few favourite moments - we had our Co-Presidents of our Rotaract Club join us and we met 3 of the new members we inducted this year!
Our Honourary member Bob Crawford performed the Installation of President Mike and the Officers and Directors and presented Louise with her Past President Pin. DGE Lorne Calder ZOOMED in with greetings from Prince George.
We are looking forward to the new Rotary year -Serve to Change Lives.