Club Information
Welcome to The Rotary Club of New Westminster, proudly serving our community since 1928.
New Westminster

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
contact for information
604 219 2840
New Westminster, BC
Held Thursdays either at NOON or 5:30pm For meeting schedule/time/location see our home page. email for information and ZOOM link
Home Page Stories
Despite the cold weather, the eye clinic provided services to 26 clients in need of vision care. Clients were welcomed by the  smiles of volunteers, creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere from the moment they arrived. While waiting for their turn, they were able to grab a hot cup of coffee and snacks.  The eye exams were conducted by Dr. David, Dr. Warren, and Dr. Ramirez, who generously shared their skills and expertise, ensuring that each client received quality care. The clients were incredibly grateful, sharing heartfelt words about how much this opportunity meant to them. At the end of their visit, clients were happy to receive care packages, which further added to their gratitude. The Douglas staff played a key role, going above and beyond to assist clients with warmth and compassion, making sure their needs were met. This was a well-coordinated event, thanks to the dedication of our amazing volunteers, doctors, and staff. Seeing the smiles on the clients’ faces and hearing their words of appreciation made it all the more rewarding. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event such a success!
As Rotarians we fundraise and donate to many causes. We also connect with community partners. We had a great evening of fellowship touring The Royal Westminster Regiment and the Museum. Join us at a club meeting to learn more about us!
Meet our newest member Lila Day who was inducted and welcomed by Past District Governor Del Paterson and our President Jaimie McEvoy. 
We welcome guests to our meetings to learn about our club activities and how to become a Rotarian. 
Members and their guests gathered for our annual Christmas fellowship event at the Vancouver Golf & Country Club. 
A lovely evening including delicious food and carolling. We brought gifts to share with seniors in our community. 
We had 3 interesting speakers this September. 
We caught up on Zoom with our former exchange Student Muki who returned home to Vienna, heard from Gloria, one of our newer members as she presented her "Who's Who" chat, and Mike treated us to a a presentation about his most recent sailing adventures. 
Rob thanks Gloria for her presentation. (photo by Gabor Gasztonyi)
Mike presents to a full house. 
Thank you to all of our members and friends of Rotary who helped our club achieve our goals! 
Past Co-Presidents Gaby Gasztonyi & Louise Perry. 

Congratulations! Your club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2023-24. This past year, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.

Gordon R. McInally
2023-24 RI President
We love learning about our members. 
Rick Folka presented his Who's who (member classification talk) at our meeting this week. 
He has an impressive resume in the accounting field. 
During Covid we held an online Pet Show fundraiser called Power of Pets. The funds we raised were donated to Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS) so we were a naming sponsor for a puppy.
We are delighted to announce that 
Fabulous Fraser III has got a job!
He passed his pre-placement testing and has been matched with a client. Fraser has been supported by an incredible village whose dedication deserves equal recognition:
🐾 School of Origin: Brigadoon Service Dogs
🐶 Puppy-Raiser: Cynthia Hlynski
🎓 Advanced Sitter: Marley McGonigle
💛 Naming Sponsor: Rotary in New Westminster
Members gathered together, to say thank you to our outgoing presidents Gabor Gasztonyi & Louise Perry and welcomed our newest President, Jaimie McEvoy. He was installed by Bob Crawford along with the board of directors for 2024-2025.
The theme is The Magic of Rotary. We look forward to a wonderful year under the leadership of Jaimie. 
We recently said goodbye to our outstanding Youth Exchange Student, Muki.
Thank you to all the host families and councillors that supported him. This wonderful program can't happen without you!
He has arrived safely home with his family in Vienna. All smiles!
We recently made a donation to Honour House Society to replace the mattresses to ensure the first responders, military personnel and their families have a comfortable night's sleep during their stay at Honour House. 
Since it opened in 2010 Honour House Societyhas provided over fourteen thousand night stays for our heroes in uniform, free of charge. 
Co-President Gabor Gasztonyi presents Curt Appleby with our cheque. 
With the upcoming graduation season, we congratulate and celebrate the youth in our community who have worked hard and will be recognized with a scholarship or bursary.
The Rotary Clubs in New Westminster are proud to support the many outstanding students with one of our Rotary scholarships and bursaries. 

“We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.”




Our meeting this week showcased 2 of the youth programs that our club supports. We had an inspiring presentation from Aiden, the recipient of The Grasby Family Bursary and celebrated 2 birthdays. Our exchange student Muki & our guest Sue. We were delighted to have Sue & Earl representing the Grasby family join us.
Rotarian Rick thanks Jeni, Regan & Serena from Metro Vancouver for their informative presentation about the Annacis Water Supply Tunnel project. Interesting speakers is just one reason to get involved with Rotary!
photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi 
Several members and spouses travelled to Uganda in January to visit some of our international partners and projects including the Uganda Hearing Centre in memory of our member Dr. Irwin Stewart.
This project was executed in partnership with Makerere University Hospital & Hear His Voice Uganda. The project is pioneering an early intervention program for deaf & hard of hearing children, diagnosis & treatment of children with hearing loss, promoting advocacy for the welfare of deaf children as well as creating awareness for abilities & needs of children with hearing loss. 
It received funding from our Rotary Foundation Global Grant program. 
They returned and shared a wonderful presentation to our club members and guests. This is just one of the many ways our club and members Create Hope in the World. 
At our final meeting for the year we held our Annual General Meetings and presented a membership plaque to Sheila Kirk. 
We also took the opportunity to thank the Garth, the owner at Boston Pizza and his team for providing us with a great space and service during our club meetings. 
We had a great club meeting to end November which is Rotary Foundation Month. 
Our Immediate Past District Governor John Berry presented our club with several certificates including a MAJOR DONOR LEVEL 4 for total giving for the 2022/2023 Rotary Year.
Our members are very generous supporters of our Rotary Foundation making sure we continue to Create Hope in the World. 
Our District Governor Shirley-Pat Gale visited our club to deliver a very inspirational message. 
She also had the pleasure of inducting our newest member Rick Folka who was introduced to Rotary by Mike Crean. 
And our Past District Governor John Berry was on hand to thank Shirley-Pat 
Interested in community service and  opportunities to learn leadership skills? We are always seeking more helping hands to help us continue our good work in the local and international communities. 
We also exchanged club banners with a visiting Rotarian, Adrian joining us from the South Tyler Rotary Club, Texas. 
It takes a village to raise a child, or in our case continue to participate in The Rotary Youth Exchange Student Program. We are so fortunate to have partners such as the Royal City and Burnaby Metrotown Clubs who share the financial and host family obligations with us. We enjoyed a wonderful presentation from Muki about his home country Austria and his family.
Photos courtesy of our Co- President Gabor Gasztonyi 
One of the many reasons to join Rotary is the meetings! We have visitors from other clubs and countries stop in and share their stories and have presentations from other community groups! This week we heard from Sarah from the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce and exchange club flags with Sunil from India.
Guests are alway welcome! Check out our meeting schedule. 
We welcomed our new Exchange Student Muki, from Austria at our Summer Picnic at Queen's Park. We look forward to a terrific year hosting him. 
Thank you to our host families! We can't do it without you!
The Rotary Club of New Westminster in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Kololo in Kampala, Uganda, are currently implementing a teaching program at the Dr Irwin Stewart Rotary Memorial Hearing Centre in Kampala, Uganda. The clinic and programs are operated and administered by our partner, Hear His Voice Uganda. Currently a Vocational Training Team consisting of a speech therapist, Rosie Gardner from Dublin Ireland, and an Audiologist Selma Karsan of Vancouver, are in Uganda training staff and clinicians and working with hearing impaired children to build resources and skills for the hearing disabled community of Uganda. The program will last three weeks and has been very well received and supported thanks to this very effective partnership.
Our club members work hard to raise funds and were delighted to share some of it with the vulnerable seniors in our community.
We recently provided funding to the Seniors Services Society to purchase fans for distribution to seniors in our community to help keep them cool during the hot temperatures.
We appreciate all the ways SSS supports our seniors.
Learn more about them at
Congratulations to the Youth Committee of both Rotary Clubs in New Westminster who received The Adult Ally Award at The New Westminster Youth Awards last night. This award recognizes an adult mentor or service club who provides support and services to youth.
3 members of the youth committee attended the event.
Supporting youth in our community is a top priority for our clubs!
Photo courtesy of Natalia Botero. 
Several members and guests gathered at our District 5040 Conference in Vancouver. The theme was Connecting Clubs with Communities. 
We we inspired by many wonderful keynote speakers and heard about some terrific projects happening in our district. 
There was some terrific entertainment throughout the weekend as well. 
Congratulations to Nancy Eidsvik who received a District Governor Award from DG John Berry and Louise Perry who was recognized as Rotarian of the Year!
Special thanks to the Rotary Rabbit (Bunny) who kept us all on time!
And finally a big thank you to our photographer Gabor Gasztonyi!
Rotary Arua Prison Mattress Project - District Grant # 2341394
In an effort to ensure that prisoners in Arua have a more dignified stay, we partnered with the Arua Rotary Club to purchase 300 mattresses and covers. This will allow those who are incarcerated to no longer sleep on the floor, and provide a small modicum of dignity during their stay in the facility.
The Rotary Clubs in New Westminster are proud supporters of the Hyack Ambassador Program.
We are delighted that Miss Rotary, Jadyn Gibson was awarded the title of Miss New Westminster 2023!
We congratulate Jadyn and the other candidates and wish them a terrific year representing their city.
Event photos by Lydia Nagai Photography.
Club members had a meeting offsite at Massey Theatre to hear what is new and upcoming at this City of New Westminster Venue. 
We had a presentation and a tour from the Executive Director, Jessica Schneider and enjoyed a light lunch from Green's & Beans Deli. 
Our members are very proud of the extensive scholarship and bursary program we provide to students graduating from New Westminster Secondary School. 
On behalf or the clubOur President - Elect Gabor Gasztonyi accepted a certificate from MP Janet Routledge.

With thanks, we acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia to provide this program. 

Member classifications make wonderful programs.
We recently heard from Rick Carswell.
We learned that not only does Rick have a degree in classical music and an accomplished career in banking he also ran his own business in making finely crafted furniture AND he has played in several symphonies, including the Russian Circus. Rick plays the trombone, the piano and the cello and he can read Treble, Bass, Alto, and Tenor clef music (which is not common).
Rick is a very active member of our club, volunteering regularly at Don't Go Hungry Food Support and hosting a social for our members. 
With sadness we share this news.
Our honorary member and Past District Governor David Kirk passed away recently.
Dave joined our club in May 1982, was President in 1990-1991 and served as District Governor in 2000-2001.

Our thoughts are with his wife Sheila and their family at this time.
We will remember Dave for his contributions as a Rotarian and to the community.
Rest in Peace Dave.
In the spirit of peace and reconciliation we donated these special memorial markers that were unveiled at St. Peter’s Cemetery.
The resting place of Chief Rhonda Larrabee’s
Ancestors are now recognized.
We are grateful to be included in this emotional ceremony.
Also we thank Stewart Monumental, Kearney Funeral Services and St. Peter’s Cemetery for their generous support.
It was terrific to have so many members and guests back after the reduced summer schedule.
Our member James Wise thanks Yuri Larsson for her presentation about the New West Hospice Society.
We recently donated some much needed funds to support the services they provide in our community.
Photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi 
Throwback to last week's meeting. We had a presentation from the folks at Westminster House they offer addiction recovery services for youth girls, adult women and their families delivered both residentially and virtually.We are delighted to support their good work and donated funds to assist with a renovation. For more information about their impact in our community please see
Photo courtesy of Gabor Gasztonyi
It's a new Rotary Year!
We say thank you to our outgoing President Mike Crean for a terrific year and look forward to an exciting year with President Laurie Stewart as our new enthusiatic leader!
We can only imagine how exciting 2022-2023 is going to be!
Thank you to our Rotarians, families and friends of Rotary for the support!
Another beautiful Rotary graphic courtesty of Debbie Vance
Upcoming Events
Karen Hasselfelt
Feb 06, 2025
Boston Pizza 1045 Columbia Street NOON
Mark Prosser -Prosser Art
Feb 13, 2025
Boston Pizza 1045 Columbia Street NOON
Chris Bradshaw Club Financials
Feb 20, 2025
Boston Pizza 1045 Columbia Street Social 5:30 Meeting 6:00
Lila Day - New Member Who's Who
Feb 27, 2025
Boston Pizza 1045 Columbia Street NOON